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attack with my ball lightning, cast call to heel unsummon my ball lightning keep beat sticking my opponent with ball lightnings
Posted By: paintchips (7/24/2010 4:56:56 AM)


I think the best use of this card is to protect your own creatures from removal. Works especially well if you have a lot of CIP abilities.
Posted By: Claov (11/17/2008 3:24:26 AM)


This card is phenomenal if you just combo it right:

Oona's Gatewarden (Or another cheap blue/black, but this is the cheapest)
Dire Undercurrents
This = Card advantage up the wazu
Posted By: RedZeko (5/18/2009 12:21:58 PM)


Oh man, I got excited when I found this card.

Use with Megrim, Augur of Skulls, and The Rack.

Megrim is useless if your opponent has no cards in their hand, so the idea is you force cards into their hand, then make them discard them immediately in a one-two punch. You pay 2 for call to heel, then sacrifice augur, then pay 2 to bring it back.

With one magrim out (I usually have at least 2 out), that's 4 damage, a destroyed creature, then, with the rack out, another 3 damage.

It's mean.
Posted By: Adriaaaaaaaan (10/4/2009 12:15:17 PM)


Use it on your own Ornithopter for a free card!
Posted By: Hugo1 (6/30/2011 9:30:04 AM)


Heel, boy! HEEEEEEL!
Posted By: Snaxme (7/3/2010 1:37:36 PM)


I would imagine this really shines with Allies?
Other than that, pretty good at saving your creatures from removal and unexpected combat tricks (Giant Growth & such), and can be used on your opponents' creatures in dire situations. Of course, your opponents drawing cards is a bad thing, but in the right deck, this can really abuse enters-the-battlefield effects.
Posted By: GrimjawxRULES (11/22/2010 10:37:35 AM)


Attack with Thalakos Seer, swap him for a Ninja of the Deep Hours when he's not blocked, then replay the seer and Call to Heel your Ninja to reset it. Draw them cards, boy.
Posted By: Kirbster (5/5/2014 10:40:28 PM)


Use this to save one of your own creatures or on an enemy when you have Consecrated Sphinx out.
Posted By: Luchian-D (5/16/2014 11:41:43 AM)


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