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Community Rating: 4.116 / 5  (242 votes)
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The thing I love most about this card is not only does it flat out win games, it does so in style without being insanely broken like most game winners nowadays. Long live Bolas!
Posted By: Rikiaz (4/17/2011 11:49:04 AM)


One day, they're going to do "From the Vault: Gold" and this will get it's deserved Mythic Status.

True, FTV: Legends was a sad excuse for a Vault because too MANY things from Alara were present. But, I think years from now this will still look like it should have been Mythic Rare.

I consider Cruel Ultimatum to be part of a Super Mega Ultra Cycle with

Terminate, Vindicate, Pernicious Deed, and Glimpse the Unthinkable.

The Cycle of Bad Ass Shit Black can do with Multicolor.
Posted By: ParallaxtheRevan (6/28/2012 9:09:19 AM)


i milled my opponent some, attacked with wrexilis, used his cruel ultimatum, won the game basically
it was then i realized just how good this is despite its mana cost
Posted By: BlackAlbino (5/30/2010 12:58:16 PM)


After a couple Blightnings leading up to this baby, expect your opponent to lose all morale, if not the game.

This card has won me the game after almost losing multiple times.
Posted By: neruka (12/7/2008 6:03:53 PM)


To bad Nicol Bolas didn't have the second half of this card. great as titanic ultimatum
Posted By: Demonic_Angel13 (4/17/2009 6:05:26 PM)


Only once did my opponent resolve this and lose, and then he was already being beaten down by a huge army. A game-winner.
Posted By: Rainyday2012 (7/30/2009 5:08:39 AM)


"Concentrate" 2 Blue Blue
"Raise Dead" Black
"Lava Axe" 4 Red
"Three Tragedies" 3 Black Black
"Cruel Edict" 1 Black

Equals to...

"Cruel Ultimatum" Blue Blue Black Black Black Red Red

This card could be called crusher of the hopes...
Posted By: VardthLokkur (8/4/2009 3:18:07 AM)


Cruel Ultimatum UUBBBRR

Nuke your opponent.
Posted By: WateryMind (3/29/2011 8:00:31 PM)


This card is good but the problem is that my games end with me having around 6 mana. The only bad thing about this card is that its converted mana cost is 7
Posted By: Andrew25 (3/4/2009 6:21:38 AM)


Significant card advantage. Rarely will you be disappointing if this resolves.
Posted By: Rhix (11/13/2008 4:38:53 PM)


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