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This card seem to be unfair to all the other ultimatums. Woopy with Violent ultimatum you can destroy three perment while nice you can still use other cards to do that. Brillant ultimatum 1 good card for free but with cruel you can revive any card in your grave yard. Clarion ulti duplicating 5 cards while nice it just doesnt have that 5 damage to your life and discarding hand. Titanic Ultimatum if your playing this card and it works you already won. Cruel ultimatum is unfair to all the other ultimatum because it just so much better.
Posted By: Wrathofthemany (4/6/2009 7:52:58 PM)


I've revived my deck three times, and in the first two, I ran three copies of Cruel Ultimatum. Needless to say, if one popped off -- with the other in hand-- You had to hope you had enough creatures to overrun me the next turn, or you were already dead. However, the deck was intolerably slow.

Don't get me wrong, Ultimatum is a great card, but it's more of a sideboard against the BIG SINGLE creature decks (Progenitus, Chamelion Colossus, etc...)
Posted By: DrakeKXI (6/11/2009 10:41:01 AM)


Used in combination with Furnace of Rath it is by far a most powerful union.
Posted By: emerald420 (1/22/2009 7:46:46 AM)


Probably one of the weaker Ultimatums, in my opinion. It does too many little things to be really great.
Posted By: kothsapprentice (6/23/2011 7:38:01 PM)


This card has a huge amount of hype. Yes, it is awesome, I know, but it can also be a lot less powerful than it looks. Late game your opponent may have no cards in hand, may have a number of creatures and will only sacrifice a birds of paradise or token, and lose 5 life. The most immediate value is in the things it does for your own side of the field, even then however, it doesn't actually play the creature you return to hand, and the card draw really depends on how much card draw is already in your deck and what cards are on top of your library, which leaves you with 5 life gain benefit. All in all, still fantastic, but maybe over hyped. I side board this and use a wish card to get it out of the side board when I have the mana for it.
Posted By: Donovan_Fabian (11/5/2009 2:52:39 AM)


I wonder how many deaths have occurred from these ultimatums getting countered? I would either lose my will to live or be justified in euthanizing my opponent for being uncool. Fun fact: 72% percent of decks are U/B control!
Posted By: Opaque (4/6/2011 1:51:18 AM)


I've4 heard good things about this card, but have yet to see it in action. in 1V1 it seems hard to pull off without already getting killed and in multiplayer it wishes it didnt target and said all opponents. Fair card i guess
Posted By: Shoe2 (11/19/2008 1:41:21 PM)


Wow. This card is definitely a killer. I wouldn't want to run into this thing any time soon.
Posted By: U-caster (11/2/2009 1:38:03 PM)


This is the most powerful ultimatum.
Count the card advantage:
3 cards you draw
3 cards you make them discard
1 card creature sacrifice
1 card creature return*
This is an 8 for 1. depending on the creature being returned, it can be even higher. Returning Broodmates win games. Returning any creature who allows you to draw cards (Mulldrifter) Nets you even more cards.
The Life swing is excessive.
Posted By: nukeme11 (11/3/2009 2:55:36 PM)


I have had friends talking about useing this and the new chandra and pyromancer ascention and I just say, if you ever manage that, the table will kill you, with evil glares from everyone

really, 4 copies in graveyard, via chandra, pyromancer ready, that is roughly 8 copies, cast for free, and since we normally play multi player, it is like, we all just lost 15 life except 1 lucky guy who only lost 10 (4 people, 3 targets) no one has a hand now, no one has a creature and he is now at +40 life

and that is saying he only got the ultimatums back, who knows what removal or pain spells he has?
naya charm
jund charm
titanic ultimatum
violent ultimatum
elemental appeal
volcanic fallout

all of that is doubled via the pyromancer remember
Posted By: Dingo777 (12/3/2009 1:57:33 AM)


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