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Community Rating: 4.484 / 5  (124 votes)
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This is personally my favorite card in the game. I have 8. He gets huge with Sharding Sphinx. Master Transmuter helps to keep him alive. Whenever a draw one of these I feel like I'll win. 5*
Posted By: JFM2796 (7/24/2011 9:45:48 PM)


You Know, Typing Like This All The Time, I Find Is Actually Harder Than You'd Think.
Posted By: Kurraga (10/29/2012 8:19:15 AM)


I'm actually glad it didn't get printed back then in Mirrodin if that means that he could be desinged as artifact creature himself these days.
Might also have been more expensive then given that he'd often enter the game as 3/3 due to the artifact lands already, and top of that there was Broodstar already anyways.

Of course, dependant on format, you can now still make great use of this guy with artifact lands, affinity cards or whatever your heart desires. Not to mention the buff he provides your other artifact critters.
Posted By: Mode (8/9/2009 11:43:12 AM)


This thing gets ridiculously strong in artifact decks... and given that he's out by turn 3, by which time you're likely to have at least 3 artifacts out (generally another creature and a borderpost), he'll be a 3/3 that just gets stronger and stronger. His boost to other artifact creatures is also quite nice.

Given that one of the weaknesses of pure artifact decks is early creatures with 3 or more toughness (to buy you time to set up transmuters and other artifacts, having such an effective booster is very handy.
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (10/20/2009 6:56:54 PM)


I think this is the right place to tell it everybody: Masterofetherium, you suck! (I mean the poster, not the card.)
Posted By: GengilOrbios (8/1/2011 1:41:20 PM)


Dude, hes a 5/5 just from my lands and him alone.
Posted By: MilfHunter (8/5/2009 8:02:02 AM)


Oh dear. MasterOfEtherium might be Kanaya Maryam after all. Both MasterOfEtherium and Kanaya are trolls that type in all caps and no punctuation.
Posted By: Axelle (10/19/2011 8:35:14 PM)


In a lot of artifact decks... he's pretty much always more than a 3/3, not to mention he pumps your creatures.
Posted By: own-dizzle (7/15/2009 6:53:02 PM)


This is a good card, but for some reason I just don't like it as much as it probably deserves.
(maybe it's my obsessive use of Skullclamp)
Posted By: Ubertoast (6/7/2009 3:32:04 PM)


Amazing card. I've been trading left and right to gather as many as I can, as I can't use them enough for all my artifact decks. Great fun in Affinity decks.
Posted By: tsunamikitsune (4/18/2009 10:41:18 PM)


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