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@A3Kitsune: Correct, Sharuum's a lady.

So are all other sphinxes. People, the Greek sphinx (a singular creature which MtG sphinxes are obviously based from) is, by definition, a creature with the head of a beautiful woman, the body of a lion, and the wings of a bird. Male sphinxes, such as Zendikar's retarded hobo-sphinxes (to fittingly compliment the block's retarded "native and primal" vampires) are the exception, not the rule.
Posted By: Azazyel (5/1/2010 5:37:03 PM)


One of the worst generals to play against in EDH....which means she is one of the best generals. I fear you Sharuum...yes I do
Posted By: AngelxLegna (4/19/2010 1:48:14 PM)


This card is beastly! You get the card advantage inherent in her ability, which can be used to great effect (See Scourglass, Inkwell Leviathan, etc). And you get that lovely 5/5 flying body on top of it. All for a very efficient price. Overall, just a good, solid card. It's no Sphinx of Jwar Isle, but in the right situation, this can make life very difficult for your opponent.
Posted By: Ratoly (4/29/2010 12:16:59 PM)


On a casual reanimator or legacy/vintage reanimator, if this is paired with a Magister Sphinx, it's a possible 2nd turn kill or even a first turn kill if you somehow manage to give them haste (like putting Anger in your graveyard and having a Badlands in play.
Posted By: getz19 (5/13/2010 8:56:06 AM)


Sharuum the Hegemon, you are the best. Double Combo with Soul Warden infinite life!! I used this in a match i told everyone i had infinite life they where like OMG!!!, but the game continued, I got Blood Tributeed, I was like awesome I have 1/2 infinite life and so do you, shit got real then i got Phage the Untouchable with a Whispersilk Cloak equipped to it attacking me, so game over for me the man with infinite life
Posted By: Tezzeret1 (6/9/2010 12:59:44 AM)


with a couple of these and a couple of open the vaults things in an esper deck don't stay in the graveyard for long
Posted By: Gezus82 (6/27/2010 9:58:18 PM)


I was going to say Spine of Ish Sah but then I read over it again.
It struck me that the Spine was probably made specifically not to synergize with this card.
But, still, great card. 5/5
Posted By: gman92 (2/20/2012 7:25:57 AM)


After a couple of turns in my one reanimatour deck:

exhume Sharuum, 'reanimate' a magister sphinx.

you know have 1 turn left to live.

Always a great card if you got something stashed in the graveyard. Almost as good as goblin welder in some cases.
Posted By: Dream_Twist (6/16/2012 8:38:28 PM)


Infinite mana with ashnod's altar, one of these in the grave and one being put into play (from the grave as well perhaps?)

One comes into play, targets the other one, while that's on the stack, sac the first for {2} and let the other resolve. Repeat as necessary. Infinite combos with any non-mana non-tap sac outlet. Infinite counters with carrion feeder for example.

Further, it's a "may" clause, so if you do this you can break the cycle and keep your hegemon. Even better? Stuff like Shallow Grave will net you a permanent Hegemon instead of a temp one (if you wish.)
Posted By: blurrymadness (3/25/2013 6:50:37 PM)


Here's my question: I cast Sharuum the Hegemon, it goes on the BF, then triggers it's ability. I choose Darksteel Forge which is in my GY, put it on the BF and.....Here it is: Can my opponent snipe Sharuum before it becomes indestructible or the ability ''enters the battlefield'' still passes priority to my opponent to destroy it before Darksteel Forge goes on the BF?
Posted By: PagHimself (6/16/2013 12:30:11 PM)


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