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Community Rating: 2.222 / 5  (63 votes)
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Needs to cost less at instant speed.

Potentially powerful still, though.
Posted By: TheSuperbloop (7/2/2010 1:12:05 AM)


I glanced at it and was like "looks decent, why's it rated so low?"

Then I noticed it wasn't an enchantment
Posted By: brunsbr103 (4/11/2010 9:22:15 PM)


Haha, I love playing this in casual, especially on Manaplasm when it grows from an 1/1 to a 10/10 double striker.
Posted By: Shiduba (6/16/2010 8:36:08 AM)


@VoidedNote: The thing is that it is a sorcery, so when your opponent would perhaps use a kill-spell on one of your attackers, you could cast a spell like this on an unblocked creature thereby going in for the kill.

With this casted before the combat phase, your opponent will not use his kill-spell on a more innately dangerous creature but keep it for the one this spell is casted on.

I think you are over-estimating this spell a bit. And use it on Collossus? You will most likely already have the game if he has no answer, so how is this going to help? Winmoremuch?

I think you should follow your own advice when you said "Seriously people, think before you trash".
Posted By: BuffJittePLZ (5/3/2011 2:59:00 PM)


Would be powerful but balanced as an enchantment.
Would be too swingy for an uncommon as an instant.
Posted By: konokono (7/3/2013 12:50:55 AM)


This card is costed perfectly. It single-handedly ends game, along with some trample.
Colossal Might along with this has won me more than a few games. (+14/+5 trample, anyone?)
Posted By: NoobOfLore (2/14/2012 8:37:02 PM)


Because THAT creature isn't going to be blocked.
Posted By: BayushiKazemi (3/24/2009 1:58:13 PM)


Aggressive deck? You are playing 6+ mana sorceries not called Titanic Ultimatum in an aggressive deck?
About the card, most of the time it will be outclassed by Runes of the Deus in an on color deck, as runes will makes your Thoctars more than twice as deadly, as opposed to twice as chump blocked. Whoever says to use this on a large trampler is being shortsighted, as large tramplers should be able to win the game on their own, without the need for 6 mana sorceries.
Posted By: alucard311 (7/3/2011 6:46:03 PM)


Assault Strobe: Red, sorcery
Giant Growth: Green, instant
Sangrite Surge: 4RedGreen, sorcery

...Am I missing something here? Where did they get the 4? I could understand it maybe costing 2RedGreen, or 3RedGreen if it were an instant, but this is just stupid.
Posted By: Continue (12/25/2012 12:26:49 PM)


You guys can balk at this card, but Sangrite Surge has won me many a game. Never underestimate what this card can do for an aggressive deck.
Posted By: DysprosiumJudas (1/20/2011 9:52:37 PM)


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