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Is it me or is that Lorwyn in the background? At least it looks like lorwyn...

YES, it is Lorwyn - compare it with a Plains or Island from the same artist. It was subtly confirmed in an Arcana article some time ago.


what happens if you cast this and there are no legal targets? i.e. there are no creatures in play? Does it just sit out on the battlefield? Does it fizzle?

Short: It just remains in the battlefield, doing nothing.

Long: Journey to Nowhere is not a targeted spell, it is a permanent spell with a triggered "enters the battlefield" ability. A non-targeted spell never fizzles.
When Journey to Nowhere resolves and enters the battlefield, its ability triggers. The the ability goes to the stack, and you choose a valid target to it. Ops, this is impossible, so the ability is simply removed from the stack. The enchantment remains in the 'field, doing nothing.


How does this work wi... (see all)
Posted By: will_dice (11/27/2009 7:01:08 AM)


Cool idea to have cheaper anti-creature O Ring, but I'm starting to worry that Type 2 white may be getting a little TOO powerful with cards like Silence, Honor of the Pure, Path to Exile, Brave the Elements, Baneslayer Angel, this card, etc. We'll have to see I suppose.
Posted By: VirtueVsVice (11/30/2009 3:28:35 AM)


Oleander (9/28/2009 8:48:44 AM);
I agree with that...
Was just saying basicly the same thing in my comment about Baneslayer Angel...
Though some do say white hasn't been powerful for a while-- but is there a color that has been
powerful?? Well, aside from maybe black, but now lol White and black are the two top colors, that can/will just dominate.... Black with it's vampires (also being the only other color other than white with creature removal) and white with the insane soldier creature-mania, Baneslayer and rediculous amount of creature removal...

Dingo777 (10/19/2009 10:43:10 PM);
Don't forget about Path to exile, white still has that which is type two legal and is being played-- or rather spammed, it's good they made this and O-ring and enchantment instead of an instant cause the enchantment factor leaves some sort of weakness to it aside from counter spell which only blue has... Also right now in type two White has 'Day of Judgement' and black no longer has 'damnat... (see all)
Posted By: AbyssalManZero (12/24/2009 6:56:25 PM)


If an Artifact is equipped to exiled creature...What is the artifacts posistion at that point...Exiled with creature or sitting in play still?
Posted By: aka_freddo (12/25/2009 7:30:38 PM)


Doing creature control the white way....with enchantments.
Posted By: thezanet (2/11/2010 3:26:20 PM)



i know we're gonna get a lot of hate with this, but i agree with you. i know how the rules work and i know that's how they're suppose to work, but it just doesn't add up at first glance, or even second glance.
Posted By: dishwater63 (4/27/2010 5:18:11 PM)


Does anyone know what the hell the second part of the ruling means? I thought the wording was very clear cut.
Posted By: console_gamer (5/10/2010 7:58:09 PM)


Somebody tried to tell me that a Wizards article said that this card can get around shroud and protection from white since its a triggered ability and not targeted(yes, I know it says target on the card). Can anyone confirm this?
Posted By: blindthrall (6/7/2010 1:21:04 AM)


I don't get the ruling either...

10/1/2009 If Journey to Nowhere leaves the battlefield before its first ability has resolved, its second ability will trigger and do nothing. Then its first ability will resolve and exile the targeted creature forever.

If you use counterspell does that mean JtN has entered the battle field and left before it resolved? If not what circumstances are there in which JtN could enter the field of play and not resolve?
Posted By: Vishlord (6/8/2010 11:55:21 AM)


You win if you hit someone's Phage The Untouchable with this and then remove it from the field.
Posted By: jfre81 (8/10/2011 2:07:35 AM)


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