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The reason this guy is banned in EDH is because of combos like Rite of Replication. If this guy is down and you kick the Rite, everyone will lose 30 life and you will gain a metric *** ton. Its pretty much gg..
Posted By: Kitty_the_Kat (7/25/2011 4:45:41 PM)


I love Kokusho - he's just pretty bad ass. He just rocks onto the battlefield and is like "lol, legend rule". Then the second one comes out and everyone playing gets a Sorin's Vengeance to the face.
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (9/1/2011 1:39:05 PM)


I love how when you win with this card, it doesn't matter if you're against one person or a hundred:

Turn 1: Swamp, Ritual, Contract From Below discarding 4 Kokushos, Ritual, Ritual, Living Death, GG
Posted By: 001010011100101110 (9/21/2011 6:45:25 PM)


It's not often for a creature to be a contender for the best creature of its type.

Kokusho, in this case, is a contender for two creature types at the same time.
Posted By: Cyberium (10/22/2010 12:45:00 PM)


This dragon, along with his 4 siblings, are some of the easiest to abuse. 1 dragon, one Voltaic Key and one Mimic Vat is enough to abuse them repeatedly.
Posted By: Nayban (1/20/2011 11:57:49 AM)


Step 1: Get Kokusho
Step 2: Play Kokusho in multiplayer
Step 3: Find new friends
Step 4: Repeat steps 2 through 4
Posted By: LostFool (4/6/2012 4:27:51 AM)


Kokusho + Palinchron + Recurring Nightmare. That is all.

@Penguin_Master: That would not work at all. Protean Hulks ability states you can grab any number of creatures with a TOTAL CMC of 6. As Kokusho has a CMC of 6, you can grab...1 of him.
Posted By: RecurringMemories (2/17/2013 1:09:59 PM)


Now legal in EDH. Kaalia decks are going to become rather monolithic, lol.

I love the concept of Kaalia, a lot, but really:

Akroma, Angel of Wrath, Avacyn, Angel of Hope, Kokusho, the Evening Star, Gisela, Blade of Goldnight, Malfegor, and Bladewing the Risen all seem REQUIRED for her deck. I predict about 3 more blocks, tops, counting Return to Ravnica (and yes I know there's a great Angel in there already, which suggests the blocks aren't running out of ways to do outdo each other YET), before the unchallengeable 'Best Angels/Demons/Dragons EVER' is fixed for the next 15 years. I don't see how Kaalia doesn't become a PreBuilt Deck unless some stupid kind of powercreep happens.

Baneslayer Angel might actually be real metagame tech for White EDH Decks in general in a few years. That would be funny.


Wow. Utvara Hellkit... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (9/23/2012 9:24:02 AM)


This monstrosity is going to wreck face in Modern.
Posted By: Paleopaladin (9/4/2011 10:07:32 PM)


@Salient Banned Commander. Banned.
Posted By: pedrodyl (3/7/2012 9:00:08 PM)


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