I dont know what i think about this card yet. 4U is the "correct" cost for an instant that draws 3 cards or a sorcery that draws 4 but has a small drawback. The main ability isnt bad, its fair, but if your opponent dosnt like those 3 he can give you 5 instead, which is spectacular. this card is always +2 cards in hand and can be up to +4 CIH. seems playable to me. The problem being if the top 3 are crap, you paid 1 extra mana than you should to draw 3...but thats seems to be a reasonable risk.
Posted By:
(11/19/2008 1:36:46 PM)
So, like, did Wizards forget that Petals of Insight existed?
Posted By:
(2/18/2010 5:02:41 PM)
every body are rebeling nobody write a better card in standard 5 mana draw 3 card ıf blue is your minor color so what only 1 blue mana ı think this card is okey
Posted By:
(7/14/2010 4:16:41 AM)
You guys aren't getting it. This card enables convoluted combos from other colors. Mindgamez, son.
Posted By:
(10/11/2010 10:07:32 PM)
I actually don't mind this card. My decks tend to have great cards in them that scare my opponents shitless. And there's also like 4 hug decks in my EDH meta.
Posted By:
(12/21/2012 12:43:33 AM)
I play this in a casual deck, and I really enjoy using it - you're up at least 3 cards, and you'd be surprised how many people will throw away 3 cards and let you have 5 that they don't see. Plus, it opens up some nice mind games: yes, all you gave me 2 lands and an unsummon for 5 mana, now watch as I open up your defense and play another, more expensive card next turn.
However, Fact or Fiction is still the best.
Posted By:
(5/7/2011 3:16:05 AM)
This is not strictly worse than tidings. You guys are dumb, really, really dumb.
Who cares if they see the top three cards? If you run the right stuff, they will WANT that stuff in your graveyard, and when they let you draw, you're getting five cards for five mana. If that's not good I don't know what is.
Posted By:
(6/29/2011 4:42:33 AM)
@True_Mumin: How exactly can one card that doesn't do the same thing as another be "strictly worse" ? This can net you three cards or five cards; tidings four. You can easily say you don't like this card, but this "strictly worse" nonsense is just that.
Posted By:
(1/31/2011 6:11:30 PM)
One type of deck where this card can shine is one where you can and/or actively seek to play cards from your graveyard as well as your hand, or to a lesser extent where you have ways of returning cards from the graveyard to your hand. There are many types of blue/black or blue/green decks that have this very goal, far too numerous to list here. This adds an extra synergy that makes Covenant of Minds very playable in my opinion. Having said that I doubt I would have it in any other type of deck, with the possible exclusion of a draft of course.
Posted By:
(10/6/2009 10:15:58 PM)
I actually prefer this as one of my draw spells in my Living Death EDH deck, because it's just one more way to get a bomb creature or two into my graveyard. Yes, this costs 5 mana, but it potentially digs 8 cards deep. In a graveyard based deck, I'm finding it much more useful than a straight Draw 3 spell.
Posted By:
(7/10/2012 7:42:32 PM)