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Community Rating: 2.674 / 5  (66 votes)
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I don't know... I find this card kind of underwhelming.

At best, you're looking at a 5/5 for 3CC... but when will that happen? If you're running old-school multi-lands like Taiga you could luck out and drop the right combo to give you all 5... But most of the time, this guy is probably a vanilla 3/3 or 4/4, and you could be getting something better.

By the time the land to make him a 5/5 is around, you could be casting a Fusion Elemental instead.

Posted By: Gaussgoat (2/22/2010 7:34:41 AM)


I think it is nice how Wizards took a mechanic that was loved from Invasion Block and brought it back in Conflux and made everyone hate it for its unplayability.
Posted By: JFM2796 (8/24/2011 12:04:01 AM)


A 5/5 for 3 in the right pauper deck (that is, one with Nylea's Presence); underwhelming otherwise, but still a 3.5/5 from me.
Posted By: Continue (2/2/2014 8:33:34 PM)


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