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It's a shame this thing is a 4/2. Kind of makes it pointless but you could cast Momentary Blink or Otherwordly Journey while this thing is still on the stack and those land will never be coming back,
Posted By: opinionfailure (6/4/2010 7:46:41 PM)


I run this guy with summoning trap bloom tender and llanowar with woollys too. i have blooms on the field maybe a thoctar and llanowar play realm razer do away with him so the first
effect doesnt resolve the second one does.no lands endefinitely but i can tap bloomtender for all 3 mana and if i have two blooms thats a meglonoth or naya charm or any other cmc of naya colors.
Posted By: Killgasm87 (7/15/2010 8:37:09 AM)


run with either tons of Man-Mana or dream halls. Id say dream halls
Posted By: TheSwarm (8/7/2010 12:40:56 PM)


I like this all lands gone, and as soon as he dies (which i'm sure he will) all lands go back and here comes a 30\30 Baloth Woodcrasher
Posted By: PoisonHats (8/16/2010 7:44:52 AM)


size doesn't denote durability, folks. He is all momentum.
Posted By: Johnald (8/26/2010 10:43:04 PM)


As the Ruling indicates, Realm Razer has some subtle depth opponents may be unaware of due to its triggered effects. It reminds me of the Faceless Butcher trick to exile creatures.

Say if an over-eager opponent, wishing to keep her/his lands unrazed, responds to the triggered at instant speed with removal. The second trigger occurs, and they find themselves with having lost the opportunity indefinitely. For better effect, float the mana you need and cast your removal spell the next time you've priority within the phase, after the Realm Razer has razed.
Posted By: Lambi (9/2/2010 12:55:30 AM)


got one of these guys in a holy day/ lightning bolt deck of mine
i use him mainly for the ability
just love this guys over all size and effect
when he comes onto the battle field the world stops
it makes planeswalkers hesident
and no one truly knows what to do
so as i hold it in my hand and tell my enemies to start packing up there lands on turn 7
i bolt the guy
most common response "@*^$"
build a deck with lots of very cheap strong stuff, creatures with mana abilities and your luaghing
Posted By: Kerchoff (10/13/2010 10:44:45 PM)


if you tap all your land for mana you could probably get a shield of the oversoul on him (Depending on the amount of lands you have)
Posted By: __Silence__ (10/15/2010 10:09:44 AM)


He isnt a crazy combo card, he is just used in aggro to kill "tap out" control because they need mana every turn and aggro only needs it early game to get creatures out. after you cast this you just beat down while your opponent stares at their doj in their hand that they cant cast.
Posted By: cullen31 (1/10/2011 2:10:52 PM)


Roil elemntal if you can manage a four color deck. Doubt it, but would be freaking hilarious.

Doom blade on Realm Razer.
Thanks, ill take all ya got.
Posted By: Exclaimer999 (3/17/2011 12:45:51 AM)


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