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Community Rating: 3.920 / 5  (174 votes)
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Time will tell whether or not this card will be as popular as its forefathers, Armadillo Cloak and Loxodon Warhammer. I have the feeling that it will.
Posted By: Equinox523 (4/29/2009 2:29:46 PM)


I got 2 of these. One non foil, and one foil. The foilie one came in a pack with my second Sen Triplets. Unfortunately I hate Esper and everything it stands for. This is going to see play in my {G}{W} Weenie deck.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (1/13/2011 7:31:07 PM)


5 stars. If you see this card in draft and you pass it, you should probably quit drafting. This is an absolute bomb and will win you games in limited and constructed once you land and equip it. If you've ever been on the receiving end of a Loxodon Warhammer, you will understand why this card rocks so hard.
Posted By: lolbrolol (5/10/2009 4:21:49 PM)


Armadillo Cloak onna stick.
Posted By: ClockworkSwordfish (2/9/2010 6:32:09 PM)


not necessarily limited to Naya and Bant, and I can imagine more use coming out of it when the new sets come in and 10th is cycled out
Posted By: jhimbob (6/22/2009 1:31:59 AM)


The color cost makes it a tad worse than Loxodon Warhammer, I think, but that by no means makes it a bad card. Once you get either of them out, things get really nasty really quick.
Posted By: 2pcsofcandy (5/20/2009 11:47:50 PM)


This card is amazing. Yes, even in constructed standard. It forces your opponent to deal with either the creature it is now attached too, or the sledge itself. either way, your burning a card out of their hand. All I can say is : It's Hammer time.
Posted By: TheOriginalSin05 (7/28/2009 12:52:47 AM)


Really great card, best of the cycle. Probably overpowered. Even so, it only replaces Loxodon Warhammer if you are playing GW, and even then it's really a personal choice of +3/0 or +2/2.
Posted By: Zeranox (6/5/2009 9:32:41 AM)


limited to naya and bant
Posted By: shiana (5/25/2009 3:24:06 AM)


the equipments from reborn are INSANE! when this was in play it one me many game during the pre release tournaments. awsome card, i need more :)
Posted By: Willyum (4/26/2009 3:14:22 AM)


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