What's that? You got yourself a combo? Well...
Posted By:
(12/7/2010 10:49:21 PM)
An awesome card that is always fun to play. The mechanic of this card definitely embodies the controlling, orderly flavor of blue-white.
Posted By:
(5/21/2009 8:03:55 PM)
The ability of banning both master transmuter and bloodbraid elf is more than enough to give it a 5/5. This card is pure strategy rape, and I love the hell out of it. Anyone who is doing white/blue control simply needs to get four of this and I assure your survival rate against the new über aggro will increase drastically.
Posted By:
(8/8/2009 12:20:21 PM)
my favorite card, yeah this is THE skill tester; know your opponent's deck and get rewarded. Sometimes it's super obvious like naming Tendrils of Agony, other times it'll come down on Swords to Plowshares, and against burn, just name whatever and have him sponge a burn spell for you. The new MM is nice, but needs more cleavage.
Posted By:
(6/16/2009 11:29:54 AM)
yes we all now that sometimes this page allows u to keep the silly "Type your comment here." Congratz on finding it, kid. STOP IT!
Posted By:
(8/28/2009 11:53:26 PM)
The quintessential creature for a UW control deck...Learn your opponents deck then shut them down.
Posted By:
(7/23/2009 7:15:33 PM)
This still an Awesome card. It can stop an uncounterable spell or mass-destruction spell before the opponent can even draw the dang thing; that is the most priceless thing you can ask for.
Posted By:
(6/20/2009 1:32:12 AM)
Relentless Rats
Posted By:
(1/15/2011 1:58:32 AM)
I've won a couple FNM games by naming a win condition such as scourglass and the like. Keep evaluating the situation. Your meddling mage is far from invincible. Protect the mage, and the mage will protect you.
Posted By:
(8/4/2009 4:12:23 PM)
For those who doesn't know, wizards rewarded certain players with their unique card which featured themselves as wizards. From the original four (Meddling Mage, Shadowmage Infiltrator, Sylvan Safekeeper, and Voidmage Prodigy) one didn't get reprinted anymore, 2 got reprinted in timeshift (1 with alternate art, which is fine as stills features the contest winner) and one got reprinted in alara's cycle.
As you can see meddling mage is quite popular and even sees play in eternal format, maybe not as top tier, but sees play. I find unfair that they removed the original art, but well, at least someone uses it and got reprinted, unlike the poor Sylvan safekeeper that didn't even get his tribute in timeshift...
I guess they changed the art because the reprint in TS weren't too popular or something.
Posted By:
(11/2/2009 1:47:55 AM)