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Community Rating: 3.662 / 5  (145 votes)
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In an EDH zombie tribal deck, this guy is a house. I haven't seen it mentioned here, but don't forget his first ability with Dire Undercurrents. Those Zombie Wizard tokens are blue and black, giving you a nice card draw and discard effect. He also has excellent synergy with Mindcrank: your opponent mills twice as many cards as the life he loses from the zombies.
Posted By: questionflanger (1/18/2014 7:30:36 PM)


The absolutely keystone of my Grimgrin, Corpse-born zombie mill EDH. Produces cheap tokens to be sacced, causes life loss and mills cards, and is both cheap and tribal. What more could you want from a card? 5/5
Posted By: BobbySinclair (2/5/2014 3:45:11 AM)


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