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I like how people automatically assume this is better than pyroclasm, yet they forget this costs 1RR so it's more difficult for other decks to cast, whereas a 3 color control deck that just wants a cheap sweeper to knock out the aggro decks would probably prefer the clasm because it's easier to cast, cheaper and just does the job. Not knocking this card, just remember that if you only have 1 Red source out you'd be kicking yourself wishing it was a pyroclasm.
Posted By: masterofthechaos (7/3/2010 10:16:35 AM)


I can use this to shut down people who use spells like Rude Awakening while I can't do that with Pyroclasm because it's a Sorcery. Do I need to explain further why this is better in almost all cases?
Posted By: Keiya (8/26/2010 9:30:12 PM)


This card would scare me, as a blue white player, but, all my creatures have a toughness of 4 or greater. :)
Posted By: LordAlvon (9/30/2010 5:52:56 PM)


T_T I tried to counter this card. I was playing rogue aggro. I was very sad.
Posted By: OneT (1/3/2011 6:04:27 PM)


laugh as you play a safe passage
Posted By: BastianQoU (5/25/2011 12:33:32 AM)


An impressive card, and it gets the job done.

What now, White Sun's Zenith?
Posted By: NoobOfLore (8/10/2011 1:59:52 PM)


Master Of Etherium You Are So Awesome!!!
Posted By: twiddleman12 (8/24/2012 11:21:30 AM)


As people have observed, this card's power comes entirely in the fact that it can't be countered. At the time of its printing (and still today in many formats, particularly Commander), a VERY strong archetype was/is aggro-control, where a player drops something like Bitterblossom or, in Commander, Geist of Saint Traft or Edric, Spymaster of Trest in the first two or three turns of the game and does nothing for the rest of the game but counter stuff. Volcanic Fallout almost single-handedly thwarts those decks at instant speed.

Now, if nobody plays counterspells in your area, use Pyroclasm. But this is almost always the better choice just about everywhere else.
Posted By: Werewolf- (9/19/2012 7:06:08 PM)


Fuck you, faeries!
Posted By: pedrodyl (10/26/2012 7:28:43 PM)


All I think when I read the flavor text is someone screaming it at Mayael.
Posted By: NurinsMagemark (12/9/2012 11:28:30 AM)


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