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Community Rating: 3.038 / 5  (79 votes)
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I don't know why this is rated so very low.
2 for a 3 power flyer is amazing.

even better with pumps.
Posted By: HairlessThoctar (1/20/2010 1:56:17 PM)


This guy is an unassuming monster. He gets even better when you drop down a Master of Etherium or two.
Posted By: Randomluck (2/1/2009 3:57:39 PM)


For 1W it's a 1/2 flier. That's an underrated build, outside the Cult of the Storm Crow anyway. And for B, it becomes a 3/1 flier, which is vulnerable, but a flier is only so vulnerable in combat, especially on the third turn.

A 3-power flier on turn three is damn decent.
Posted By: ROBRAM89 (3/17/2011 6:07:24 PM)


Master of Etherium makes this card great. Other than combo with the Master there really isn't anything to great about this card; its activated ability can only be played once, forcing players to find other ways to increase its pitiful toughness.
Posted By: SavageBrain89 (5/24/2009 6:31:56 PM)


decent card; its 2.9 rating is undeserved

1/2 flyer for 2? not bad; decent toughness to allow it to survive 1/1 flying blockers, and if unblocked, u hit for 3. i dont know about you, but i would throw a 1/1 flier to block this guy from hitting me.
Posted By: Guntz1092 (6/16/2010 9:38:08 AM)


A well-bodied, well-costed, flexible, artifact-flyer with awesome artwork gets a 3/5 nowadays?

I see no reason at all to rate this any lower than a 4.
Posted By: Hayw00d0909 (4/17/2011 10:37:11 PM)


Very underrated card. It can be great in a white/black deck with a lot of creature pumping. Boost up the creature, then use a bunch of swamps to make it swing for lots of damage. I mean all you have to do is give it divine favor and it can hit for 10. Sure its vulnerable to flying chumps, but you don't have to pay all your black mana. Its at least worth a sideboard slot against decks without flyers.
Posted By: nunzioni (8/2/2012 11:35:18 AM)


This card is a win condition when used in an Exalted deck. It can single handedly (well...with the help of other exalted creatures) outrace fast weenie decks, or fly over blockers for a crap-ton of damage. For example, two exalted creatures with DG and 3 swamps open allows you to swing as a 10/1 creature in the air. Admittedly, this card needs something to pump up his ass end to reach its full potential, but if you have that ability in your deck, this card is just synergy and power.
Posted By: Jalamdhara (12/4/2012 12:12:50 PM)


Shadow lance makes hime a beast.
Posted By: XaiviarNightwing (3/29/2013 2:49:56 PM)


Matches Oona's Prowler in power; which is pretty impressive.

Don't know why it's rated low; if it's ability didn't cost mana, that'd be nice, but it's already very powerful. It's true he works well with {B}{W} exalted, and tempered steel. Use him similar to Nantuko Shade: I.E. use a dark ritual (if need be)}to get an unexpected double giant growth. Yeah it takes a little bit of support to do that, but he's a Lava Spike for {B} *every turn* without support.

If burn decks had a reusable lava spike they'd use it. This guy races quickly..
Also, grafted wargear. Swing for 4 T3. Swing for 10 T4.

You better believe they'll want to kill it.
Posted By: blurrymadness (5/16/2013 12:54:20 PM)


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