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Community Rating: 3.115 / 5  (48 votes)
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personally i think the strongest ally combo is BUW cuz i built a deck centered around Halimar Excavator Hagra Diabolist and Ondu Cleric with 4 Jwari Shapeshifters. Eventually it becomes you mill X take X and i gain X where X is the # of allies i have. Also theres an Agadeem Occultist to reanimate your creatures that i just milled with my excavator. I played this against another ally deck and stole Murasa Pyromancer and started picking off other allies. It was excellent
Posted By: ChampionofSquee (8/28/2010 8:23:26 AM)


I don't think we can say there's a "best" Allies color combo. The only combination of colors I've seen that's very strong is Green White Blue, because it has access to strong mana fixing (Harabaz Druid), the most mana-efficient allies (Hada Freeblade, Kazandu Blademaster and Join the Ranks), allies that offer evasion (Umara Raptor and Kabira Evangelist). Throw in some Jwar Shapeshifer shenanagins and fill in the rest with stuff like Oran-Reif Survivalist and you've got a strong agro deck and the best part is your small, early game allies like Hada don't become useless if they stick around. My friend runs a deck that uses most of the aforementioned cards and it even has an easy time bouncing back from board wipes unless she over-extends.

Although, this doesn't mean that I think Bant allies is really the only one that can work... (see all)
Posted By: CeremonialBathory (1/5/2011 12:32:08 AM)


Decent as a red creature in general but he'll forever be maligned for his ability's bad synergy in the tribe. The lack of a stack-able effect really makes you feel like you're wasting something whenever you get a second one.
Posted By: TPmanW (1/7/2011 6:23:25 PM)


He has the manners of a goat. And he smells like a dung heap. And he's no knowledge whatsoever of his potential...
Posted By: TheHandyman (1/20/2011 8:05:10 PM)


One of the weaker Allies, sadly.
Posted By: Polychromatic (3/20/2011 12:50:00 AM)


He looks like a Scottish Highlander, not a Zendikite. (Is that what we call them?) Anyway, First Strike isn't an ability you really need as an Ally player, because your guys should be 10/10s anyway, But he serves nicely as a cheap Ally trigger.
Posted By: JFM2796 (8/1/2011 11:00:28 AM)


Reminds me of Waterfront Bouncer.
Simply because he also looks as if he could easily be a 3/3 or even stronger :D
Posted By: Mode (8/8/2011 2:48:05 AM)


Dude I'd love to get paid by the axe.
I'd use my loot to get even more axes. 'Cause there's no such thing as an excess of axes.
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (3/15/2012 5:39:55 AM)


1) He does not get any bigger.
2) No benefit from having multiple allies out at once.

With these two things taken into account, I would probably run x2. First strike can be a really powerful ability for your army, and he can still take out bears without dieing.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (2/7/2013 1:34:09 AM)


Human? He should have been a Dwarf, just for laughs.
Posted By: Totema (7/9/2013 10:13:09 AM)


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