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I'd personally prefer to use it with Squee, Goblin Nabob than with Magma Phoenix. Gives you a free card every turn, plus a guaranteed 6/5 swinging every turn, with the opportunity to increase it's power if that becomes advantageous.

I like to run a few of these in a Jhoira suspension deck, as having these guys makes good use of those high cmc spells/creatures that you can't use too well if Jhoira isn't showing her face. Added fun if you discard an expensive card and then play Soul's Fire.
Posted By: Gwafa_Hazid (1/9/2010 8:12:22 PM)


You're both wrong. The combo with this card is Gleemax. (That is, if you don't mind using un-sets.)

plus, the Soul's Fire can always be used if the dragon's blocked or banished.
Posted By: ToidiDiPuts (1/10/2010 7:49:51 AM)


You're all missing the use of Dark Withering, +6P and for 1 black mana, a destruction-effect pre-block, and as some people mentioned, unearth is a decent theme to run him in, so the color scheme matches.
Posted By: Tiplady (3/1/2010 11:39:44 AM)


If you got the mana you can always throw a clout of the dominous, then discard a Kederekt Leviathan, unearth it next turn and u won without a soul fire, but yeah, not Standard... in standard I put my bets on the dual Kederekt Leviathans and this dragon; I just think it's a little weird the opponent has nothing to block it, even with it's Flying ability and if your smart enough you will leave untapped lands to throw any removal you got left to set aside the hydroblasters (slang of my own for the kederkts).
Why when people think in ways to succeed with a card I think how to crash the combo/strategy? ¡)
Posted By: WER386 (3/6/2010 10:39:38 AM)


I run a dragon deck and often times, I have a dragonstorm pretty early in the game with nothing to do with it. Surprisingly enough, this combo is the most reliable and most consistent one of used thus far:

Spellbound Dragon + Clout of Dominus + Dragonstorm. It automatically becomes a 14/7 flyer with haste and shroud. For the most part, it's pretty hard to stop especially due to the unexpected haste.
Posted By: Citera (3/7/2010 10:36:16 AM)


Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind's cousin
Posted By: InHarmsWay- (3/13/2010 11:09:23 AM)


This card gives me a reason to play Emakrul in a deck thats not based on getting 15 mana.
Posted By: Nikeyeia (4/9/2010 10:02:14 AM)


The card to use this with is gleemax

though I have fun with this card in a deck with Jhoira of the Ghitu, Time Stretch and Bogardan Hellkite. It's always fun either getting a time stretch or being able to discard it for 13 damage.
Posted By: Gezus82 (5/10/2010 7:31:45 PM)


I guess draco is the reason this has 3 power instead of 4.
Posted By: Thanato5 (5/26/2014 5:56:51 AM)


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