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Community Rating: 3.796 / 5  (147 votes)
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I would think this could be intensified by giving it double strike, allowing you to put 2 counters on it b/c you'd be doing combat dmg twice most likely with it having fear.

I think this and Blood Tyrant with Wound Reflection can kill multiple players at once and really quick too if they can't kill them ASAP.
Posted By: The_Somnambulist (5/26/2009 9:54:17 PM)


must have for a red black deck for this set
Posted By: Stoo (4/27/2009 8:29:18 AM)


How does lightning talons have any synergy with lightning reaver whatsoever? besides the +3 power which is a given, the first strike does not help him or aid his ability. Where double strike would allow him to hit twice and accumulate more counters, and trample would help ensure he hits the opponent, first strike does nothing. If he is blocked, no charge counter, regardless of first strike... Whatever, great card people. 4.5/5
Posted By: Grimn777 (7/29/2009 2:36:30 PM)


High potential but people will try to get rid of it asap.
Posted By: Irvinele99999 (5/12/2009 9:52:39 PM)


Death Baron will surely help this beasty...and its great with multiplayer game...this guy gave me a win in star...my opponents didnt gave an answer to it quickly electrifying their LP quickly...
Posted By: God_of_Destruction (6/27/2009 6:38:32 PM)


I'm not really understanding what's so great about this card, it's only 3/3 for 5 mana, in a range where we also have the spirit avatars, and several other huge beat down creatures like lord of extinction and ethersworn adjudicator. It's ability is only relevant in the case that you can get through to an opponents life points, and that's going to be difficult with so much multi color including a lot of black splash creatures. If it's removed it's charge counters also become pointless. The only time it seems like a really good card is a g/b/r beat down deck, that uses colossal might. If you have 7 to spend on it when it hits play you can attack with a 7/5 trampler that will defintley get that charge counter through. Otherwise there are several better alternatives, goblin razerunners being one, you don't actually have to sacrifice a land to put counters on it by simply using jund charm or mayael's aria, and obsidian fireheart, that still does damage even when it leaves play.
Posted By: Donovan_Fabian (11/10/2009 12:20:20 PM)


Hah! You thought it was dumb before?

You were playing the wrong colors. You forgot the White.

"What? Why would we play WHITE with this?"

Because of Concerted Effort. And Kaalia of the Vast. And Sword of Vengeance. And Stoneforge Mystic. And Akroma, Angel of Fury. And Moonveil Dragon.

My God, Magic has gotten....powerful. :p
Posted By: DarthParallax (3/22/2012 8:46:16 PM)


lightning talons anyone???:P am sorry opponent you just can`t win
Posted By: Iiory (7/27/2009 2:22:15 AM)


This is another card that would be great with Viridian Longbow...if you cant deal damage to them with an attack, just tap him and get yourself a free charge counter every turn

Bleed out damage for the win!
Posted By: Synnestro (7/17/2009 8:27:34 AM)


This only works if your life points are equal to or greater than your opponents. If you're down vis-a-vis your opponent, this will kill you before it kills him. Otherwise, a great card.
Posted By: thomp102 (1/5/2010 7:48:56 AM)


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