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Community Rating: 3.836 / 5  (146 votes)
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you know, or you could just attack at some point. that would probably win you the game, too
Posted By: pedrodyl (8/9/2011 4:05:55 PM)


Damn that some long text it better be worth reading all this cr---OH SHI I WIN
Posted By: Artan (8/25/2011 5:27:15 PM)


I now need this for my hexproof aura deck. With armadillo cloak and multiple ancestral masks I can get a creature with power of 20 very, very fast.
Posted By: brockdjwest (11/8/2011 4:22:41 PM)


Type your comment here.
Posted By: LPFan55 (12/16/2011 8:43:41 AM)


I need to think of a way to get this on the field in my U/B self-mill so that I can autowin with Sewer Nemesis that rarely hits the field at less than 20 p/t.
Posted By: ApotheosisCM (2/4/2012 5:03:38 PM)


Havent seen anybody post this but ageless entity is disgusting with this card.
Posted By: cabose1234 (2/29/2012 8:47:12 PM)


That's Progenitus in the background on the art! I suppose it would be pretty fun with him, especially gaining 10 life a turn, and have a pro-everything that keeps getting bigger.
Posted By: KokoshoForPresident (3/9/2012 3:36:30 PM)


Serra Avatar and 9 life= win
Posted By: umumwhatshisname (3/12/2012 9:55:31 AM)


This would win the game in one turn with Colossus of Akros.
Posted By: goldwing8 (11/3/2013 2:49:37 PM)


Anyone know how this card interacts with Primordial Hydra? Because I just played a game (against myself--sigh) that went a little something like this...And yes, this was an absurdly lucky hand for commander.

Turn 1: forest, Llanowar Elves
Turn 2: forest, Abundant Growth
Turn 3: mountain, Mayael's Aria + Harvest Druid
Turn 4: forest, Primordial Hydra as a 3/3
Turn 5: Primordial Hydra is 6/6 (assumed that it doubled in size after Aria would've decided to put a counter on it--is that right?--so no counter from the Aria), play Doubling Season
Opponent's turn 5: play Hunger of the Howlpack after blocking and eating a soldier, Hydra is 12/12
Turn 6: Hydra gains 2 tokens from Aria x Doubling Season (14/14) and then quadruples in size from its own ability x Doubling Season (56/56)--which may or may not be the right order of operations (if it went quadruple, add ... (see all)
Posted By: LNExtraordinaire (4/30/2014 7:35:22 AM)


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