Is it just me, or does the artwork look as if it's a screenshot from an anime RPG?
(Ignoring the fact that the boobs would then probably be twice as big)
Posted By:
(6/10/2011 3:41:39 PM)
she can burn me with her sun anytime.
Posted By:
(6/7/2011 1:23:07 PM)
Yes, she has a big bosom, but it's really bizarrely shaped. It looks like she has an udder.
Posted By:
(8/20/2011 9:26:30 AM)
Boob window? Really? Is this what we've been reduced to?
Posted By:
(11/24/2012 4:51:51 PM)
She should have a Vanguard contest for best picture with Jhoira!
Posted By:
(10/27/2012 12:23:44 AM)
Combos very well with her normal card. Since you now get spirits even when opposing creatures die (and, I believe, twice as much when your creatures die), that makes thrice as many spirits to overwhelm the enemy and exile their creatures.
Also combos very well with your hand and a certain other organ.
Posted By:
(1/17/2013 8:46:29 PM)