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Let me get this straight, we get off this:
Soothing Balm at price
Searing Spear at price
Monstrous Growth at price
Expensive Disfigure
Worse Think Twice
Posted By: WindMasterArceus (1/4/2014 8:23:45 PM)


As usual, blue gets the short end of the stick (pardon the pun) and green gets overpowered. This thing sums up M10.
Posted By: divine_exodus (3/17/2011 6:06:01 PM)


may be good in EDH!
Posted By: GengilOrbios (8/5/2011 10:57:20 AM)


This card is really interesting.....I have to say it would be fun to use in an all mana deck.
Posted By: U-caster (11/2/2009 1:59:14 PM)


This card is absolutely amazing. Run in a 5 color deck with mana-accel, you have 5 amazing abilities at your disposal each turn. It's probably my favorite card of all time just for how much fun it is to use.
Posted By: coyotemoon722 (12/17/2009 4:58:55 AM)


the blue ability is unfortunately quite underpowered compared to the others. drawing and discarding two cards should have been ok at this cost i guess.
the mana cost of the card itself is unfortunately quite huge as well...

Of course BrimandVormay has a point here, overall this card is quite versatile and might find some use in control decks. I also didn't directly say it's weak, it possibly sounded like this, but the main thing of my comment was ranting about the blue ability which bugged me for consistency reasons.
Sure, it can find use nontheless. But as opposed to Merfolk Looter or Thought Carrier, you won't find a two-drop that just requires tapping to make one of the other things the Obelisk does: 5 life, -2/-2 ueot, 3 damage to target player or +4/+4 ueot.
Posted By: Mode (2/6/2010 7:19:06 AM)


This is a strong planeswalker. Too bad his abilities cost mana, but fortunately he doesn't die to burn or a weenie filled board. Good thing the legend rule doesn't apply.

It's a card you'll need to build your deck around, since you want at least a couple of its effects. And you'll want to ramp your mana for this thing. Once you have this on the field, the other player is going to lose rather quickly. All but its blue ability is absolutely backbreaking.

Talking about the blue effect, I'm glad it's rather weak compared to the other colors. If this would say...draw a card instead of looting a card, it would literally do everything. And it's already a swiss army knife.

an overlooked card to play with this is a simple card that can untap it...like unbender tine, just to name one. Though unbender tine wants you to play at least some other cards with strong tap effects. Even if it are just mana abilities, like with the Khalni gem.

Posted By: Shiizu (2/19/2010 1:09:28 AM)


I run this as a single in my UWr Control. I also run some Crumbling Necropolises as a RU Dual Land. However, this gives me access to black mana. I find this thing is ALWAYS a welcome sight later in the game, as it gains me a ton of life, lets me eat through my deck, or can even kill invincible Elspeth tokens. I have KILLED opponents with this card. When the board is locked down, the obelisk can punch through, or make an opening, or counter all that burn they've been throwing at me. This is an absurdly versatile card, and any deck that has the range and prerogative to make use of these effects is nutso not to run a single.
Posted By: Coactus (2/28/2010 11:11:19 PM)


I have two of these in my scarecrow deck. It works wonders for me. What it may lack in strength compared to other individual cards, it makes up for in versatility. I mean look what it's made of:

Soothing Balm = stall
Card Drawing = card advantage
Weakening = either destroy the tiny-folk, or keep big creatures at bay
Flame Jet = speeding up opponents demise
Monstrous Growth = creature advantage, (or Horobi, Death's Wail's best friend... :D )
Posted By: Szyx (3/28/2010 8:33:14 PM)


Fatestitchers + this thing means you can use this four times a turn with 8 mana, and the Fatestitchers are also useful on their own as they can tap anything else you might want to tap.

6 mana is a bargain for such a versatile card. I need to add four of these to my rainbow decks immediately...
Posted By: jlowther (5/2/2010 8:28:30 PM)


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