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Community Rating: 4.372 / 5  (289 votes)
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Needs better art. The art does nothing to capture how ruthless this card really is. Otherwise, perfect card.
Posted By: Tovaras (1/23/2011 4:42:36 PM)


Definitely up there with the best cards. If you say this is outright bad, reread the card. If you still have that opinion, get glas ses. If you still believe it's bad, go to your doctor, cause you're sick. An okay creature without cascade, but the extra spell makes it insane!!! And no downside?! if you have a fast deck, USE IT!!!
Posted By: Beastlygreen (9/21/2010 7:56:50 PM)


The engine driving Naya to victory at Worlds '09! It drove Jund, too, and dropped him off just a couple blocks down from victory, leaving Jund to walk the rest of the way. And then it started to rain...
Posted By: Reliquium (11/22/2009 6:46:11 PM)


@ ChaoticNature

Most of the cascade cards are really overpriced for their non-cascade effects (pretty sure wizards knew how powerful cascade is). For example, violent outburst is 3 mana for only getting +1/+0 to your creatures until end of turn, which is normally terrible beyond words (e.g. trumpet blast gives +2/+0 and is the same cmc but with more lenient colors, and it's not even that good). It's not the same for bloodbraid elf.
Posted By: mdakw576 (3/31/2010 2:42:52 PM)


at the very least, you are running into a 1 drop creature or spell, worst case scenario, which essentially means you have played a 3/2 haste for 3 mana, great deal. can be ridiculous as well. bloodbraid elf into violent outburst into jund hackblade... game over. 5/5
Posted By: Grimn777 (8/1/2009 9:15:56 AM)


Amazingly powerful in red green aggro since most good cards in red green agrro are generaly cheap.
Posted By: SavageBrain89 (5/6/2009 7:58:11 PM)


I've played this in my aggrodeck for a while now and I think it's the best creature they've printed in years. Feels great flipping up a Boggart Ramgang, Woolly Thoctar or Jund Hackblade with it.
Posted By: Sicktoid (5/11/2009 6:44:12 AM)


Stupendously powerful. Simple elegant and destructive. 'Nuff said
Posted By: Zeranox (6/8/2009 2:51:15 PM)


Banned from modern for almost obvious reasons. I guess this was a liiiittle bit too good... Jund player is not amused!!
Posted By: zalakke (1/29/2013 3:42:07 AM)


I was reading the comments, and I saw the word f*ck. I looked at the user name... yep, MasterOfEtherium.
Posted By: land_comment (3/27/2011 5:25:17 PM)


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