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Community Rating: 2.970 / 5  (82 votes)
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Wizards made a confusing cycle with this:

Zombie (Grixis) -> Jund
Goblin (Jund) -> Naya
Nacatl (Naya) -> Bant
Valeron (Bant) -> Esper
Vedalken (Esper) -> Grixis

That's based on their flavor text/process of elimination (Vedalken and Valeron suggest Jund and Grixis in that order, but POE rules)

Based on Protection however, we have this
(Dominant colors determined based off each shard's 8 cmc 3 color creature and/or its Ultimatum):

Zombie (Grixis) -> Naya (Dominant Color: Green)
Nacatl (Naya) -> Esper (Dominant Color: Blue)
Vedalken (Esper) -> Jund (Dominant Color: Red)
Goblin (Jund) -> Bant (Dominant Color: White)
Valeron (Bant) -> Grixis (Dominant Color: Black)

The Protections themselves are logical, based upon enemy colors, but again, they contradict the flavor text. Somehow I don't think Wizards was 100% together on this, even if it is small, it was enough to make somebody as bored as me think about it.

Enough ranting though.

It's a decent card, won't win you any tourneys, but... (see all)
Posted By: VoidedNote (10/27/2010 9:31:09 PM)


Worse than Valeron Outlander simply because there are two 2-mana Pro-White Knights he is directly comparable to. Good in Block, though.
Posted By: A3Kitsune (3/10/2010 4:38:01 PM)


For the benefit of people who wander here in the future, long after Conflux is forgotten:

This card was part of a cycle of gold common creatures, all of which had protection from their shared enemy color:

Goblin Outlander - BlackRed (Jund Goblin Scout, traveled to RedGreenWhite Naya)
Nacatl Outlander - RedGreen (Naya Cat Scout, traveled to GreenWhiteBlue Bant)
Valeron Outlander - GreenWhite (Bant Human Scout, traveled to WhiteBlueBlack Esper)
Vedalken Outlander - WhiteBlue (Esper Vedalken Scout, traveled to BlueBlackRed Grixis)*
Zombie Outlander - BlueBlack (Zombie Scout, traveled to BlackRedGreen Jund)

*This one is unique as it is an artifact creature.

I am basing this off of the background, the location, and flavor text of each - the jungle backdrop and flavor text clearly state he's going to raise hell on the innocent plane of Naya. Note that they always have protection from one of the secondary color... (see all)
Posted By: Equinox523 (2/6/2013 10:27:13 AM)


I want a playset badly. The art and flavor text blend perfectly to make this one of the funniest cards in the game, and as a bonus, it's playable.
Posted By: bloodsuck (2/12/2013 7:53:03 PM)


I never saw this guy! He's cute.
Posted By: blurrymadness (5/14/2013 9:56:51 AM)



Here's the thing, the shards use their dominant color for location. Flip over a magic card, and you'll see a that a guy from the red shard traveled over to his neighbor green. Wouldn't really make sense for this little guy to go all the way through Naya to get to Bant when he already seems pretty content in Naya.
Posted By: Taudisban (9/17/2013 11:51:15 AM)


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