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What? No "Dies to Baneslayer" comments?
But, hey, let's face it: This card is so blatantly good that there's really no real need to comment on it. Saying that this card is good is like saying Blue is a good price for "Draw 3 cards."
Posted By: Calver (10/28/2010 7:28:33 PM)


It's very good, no mistake. 5/5 flying with shroud will always be good, and the extra ability is just icing on the cake. But with the titans having come out, as well as Wurmcoil Engine, it won't ever see play as a 6 CMC finisher. Wurmcoil Engine is better than it and can go in any colored deck, and Frost Titan is certainly better than it and fits in blue.

It's a great card, and you could do worse than to put it in a deck, but you could still do better.
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (12/11/2010 2:47:49 AM)


Your opponent's hand might fill up with the targeted removal he isn't hitting this guy with but it won't be filling up with the more efficient creatures that every other color gets.
Posted By: desolation_masticore (12/28/2010 7:41:18 AM)


Resistant to removal, huge, evasive, blue, and with an ability that is definitely not something you see every day...

How can you not love him?
Posted By: Anubisisking (4/24/2011 1:57:38 PM)


So I've got a question about the ability. Could you activate that ability, then while it is on the stack, activate it again; then repeat until you've looked through your entire library?

Or have I read that wrong?
Posted By: ThisisSakon (4/29/2011 6:01:55 PM)


Don't Cry, Mahamoti Djinn. At least you can still kill him 1 on 1.
Posted By: Equinox523 (5/13/2011 9:44:43 AM)


Well, they did it, it beats morphling
Sure morphling CAN wall better, but it's very mana-intensive.
Sure morphling costs less, but if you tap out for it it wont have shroud available.
To attack like this does it takes 3 mana, and a 1-power creature could kill it. Additional one mana to keep it safe with shroud, and even more for damage safety.
You can deny it all you want, when playing blue control you want to leave mana open. Sphinx is better.
Posted By: BlackAlbino (5/30/2011 9:37:24 PM)


THIS should have been a white angel instead of that stupid Baneslayer Angel. The latter could have been a green card with trample instead of flying. Would have give green the sort of attacking power it deserves.
Posted By: Cheza (6/12/2011 8:58:09 AM)


I use him and his friend Conundrum Sphinx as finishers for my mono blue control. I love attacking with he little sphinx and then checking my top card, reveal and just drop it in my hand. My brother will name "Plains" and reveal Elspeth. Good stuff. The shroud puts him over the edge. He will try to Swords to Plowshares it but then I got to remind him.
Posted By: JFM2796 (8/1/2011 9:01:35 AM)


Posted By: TheLionsMane (8/27/2011 1:22:19 AM)


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