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Community Rating: 4.118 / 5  (242 votes)
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How to lose friends in Commander:

1) Play Quicksilver Amulet, leaving 4 up.
2) Activate on the end phase of the turn before yours, dropping this.
3) Proceed to be banned from your playgroup.
Posted By: OmegaSerris (11/25/2011 9:48:07 AM)


Now when I say "Cat Beast for the win" I can mean it literally. :)
Posted By: Salient (2/7/2012 5:28:05 PM)


Another cat for my tribal cat deck!
Posted By: CatsAreCthala (12/14/2009 2:50:23 PM)


Posted By: Mafoo (2/2/2010 2:08:41 PM)


So when did Hazir meet Charlie Sheen?
Also, this is sick in EDH beyond belief, especially as a general. Sick but not OP unlike Zur the Enchanter or other beasts. He's fun but usually if you have enough life that they can't reduce it quickly you were going to win anyway (Exceptions exist but you know what I mean) 4.5/5
Posted By: Shadoflaam (6/1/2011 5:14:52 PM)


it'll take two lightning bolts to get rid of this guy once you have 40 life and play it, its usually a sure win. But a doomblade or creature removal can take care of it pretty quick, so i wouldn't rely on this too much.. 4/5
Posted By: Richard_Hawk (9/17/2010 3:26:39 PM)


This is the answer to Scars of Mirrodin's obsession with poison. Will destroy poison counter decks.
Posted By: zerosavant (10/4/2010 9:33:40 PM)


never liked the "You win the game" stuff
wizards its just making broken cards so if u wanna continue playing u HAVE TO buy new expansions, after invasion block, the game went straight down with a lil comeback in timespiral, this kind of card is a big fu you to the players who play extended, due standart mean change your deck all the time, and vintage means playing against decks that can win the game in turn 1 or even 0 wich i dont see interesting in a game. And now they put name to every freaking ability and make 1000 cards with it due their lack of creativity.... just go to the beloved dominaria card and art style and start doing things right again
Posted By: TheMoustacheCame (7/11/2010 11:58:56 AM)


A Mutated Mountain Lion With Metal Antlers And Lifelink. What More Could You Ask For.
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (9/25/2009 12:01:05 PM)


I love it. Does it deserve to be a mythic rare? Not in 10000 years. Unless there is some serious life gain going on in the next sets in the block, mythic rare status has been rendered meaningless already.

Celestial Mantle is good.

I'm already building a deck around this thing. With a few moment's peaces and wall of reverences, getting to 40 life shouldn't be a problem.
Posted By: Laguz (9/25/2009 11:41:01 PM)


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