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Community Rating: 3.848 / 5  (112 votes)
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I took an estimate of how many of my decks would be in trouble against this.
Would be trouble: 2
Could be trouble, if you get it by turn 4: 1
Has enough destruction to get rid of it: 6
Eventually overpowers it: 2
Kills in a single turn / Lifetotal irrelevant: 6
So not really what you'd expect from a 6-mana mythic. Still, you can do some fun tricks with it. I've actually included it in one of my decks, but for fun, not power.
Posted By: Black_Mantha (4/7/2010 1:04:31 AM)


Think about it, in my mono green token deck it's all about generating mana from elves to brin wolfbriar elemental in kicked a few times early, if that's possible then this card would work great in my deck cause not only do i have the elves i do have spells like harrow to bring in land
Posted By: krazypunk1018 (5/10/2010 8:00:48 AM)


If only it were a tap ability... Then this would be epic
Posted By: BlackAlbino (7/29/2010 12:19:28 PM)


This card is BEGGING to be naturalized. If you can keep it around, its great.
Posted By: vsasntore (8/18/2010 6:11:25 PM)


The best thing about it is its "may" clause.
Thankfully, it means a well-placed Vampire Hexmage won't kill you.
Posted By: infernox10 (8/18/2010 11:11:00 PM)


Hmm, I haven't seen any comments mention Ruin Ghost?
Posted By: Lithl (9/2/2010 8:14:43 PM)


Ghost town
Posted By: XTwistedsoulX (9/4/2010 11:42:14 PM)


Sure, this deserves to be a Mythic Rare considering what it does. It's rarity has nothing to do with cards that can either destroy it or nullify it. I'm sure if they dropped it to a simple rare and upped it's mana cost everyone would be complaining it cost to much for what it does. If they dropped it to an uncommon and doubled the mana cost everyone would be complaining about how unplayable it was.

If this cost less everyone would be complaining how undercosted it was.
Posted By: Guest1162619373 (9/27/2010 2:00:00 PM)


Maybe it'll see more play now that we can get it out faster with Grand Architect, not that the competition is gonna be running any LESS art-moval with Scars out. Shame Infect was released in the same block.
Posted By: Gwafa_Hazid (9/29/2010 5:27:24 PM)


Posted By: Lunarblade (10/29/2010 4:11:04 PM)


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