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Proliferate makes this card more interesting, and the most interesting thing I've seen someone do with it is play it at 0 life, Donate it with Bazaar Trader to a confused opponent who had an Abyssal Persecutor (which they would have gotten rid of next turn I'm sure), then proceeded to take said opponent's next turn with a Mindslaver. The guy then played a land, which caused his opponent to lose, then him. I still can't wrap my head around whether it he won or just managed to tie with his opponent using such a profoundly strange and brilliant idea. Ah... strange cards like this and the clever people who use them are what keep this game fun. For {6}, it might not be practical for everyone, but it certainly holds a place among artifact decks at the very least, with all their mana acceleration and such.
Posted By: Zaneshift (11/22/2010 7:40:49 PM)


I thought it was some kind of radar dish until I actually read the card. There are always a few mythics in each set that I avoid reading after I see them, thinking "Christ, I wonder what kind of broken shit this card will do?"
Posted By: Stray_Dog (1/6/2011 2:02:37 AM)


I really need to get one of these for my Sharuum EDH deck
Posted By: coyotemoon722 (1/18/2011 9:24:31 AM)


March of the Machines
Eternity Vessel
Darksteel Reactor
Fate Transfer
Posted By: auriscope (3/31/2011 3:49:57 AM)


@ liir007: Reality: You use this in EDH most likely.
Posted By: BuffJittePLZ (5/31/2011 12:10:18 PM)


Ghost Town?
Posted By: ZeroSheep (6/1/2011 6:53:52 PM)


It resembles nothing so much as the array Soundwave built to bring life to the Constructicons after stealing Optimus Prime's head.
Posted By: Hanksingle (8/21/2011 10:00:53 PM)


What happens if you sack a fetch land to grab a shockland with this in play?
Posted By: Vedalken_Arbiter (10/10/2011 3:09:32 PM)


Just a question, is there some way to use, say, Vampire Hexmage on this after you play a land and then Soul Conduit your 0 life away to an opponent? Without using something like Phyrexian Unlife? I mean, I think there is, but correct me if I'm wrong.
Posted By: j_mindfingerpainter (2/5/2012 8:17:31 AM)


Even if you never intend to use it, makes hilarious fuel for Hex Parasite.
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (4/11/2012 9:22:19 AM)


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