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Community Rating: 3.457 / 5  (47 votes)
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There are so many other options to kill small creatures, that I don't need to play suicide red.2/5
Posted By: themlsna (6/6/2010 12:00:25 AM)


Maybe not the best pinger out there, but surely in the top 10, if not 5...
While "basic" versions of the pinger (Prodigal...) is not bad, the alternatives have more appealing, and are preferable. "How many damages can it do?" and "How fast is it?" are the questions to ask while looking at pingers. I prefer pingers that deals damages not only to creatures, but to players too, and I prefer the "more damages" ones, rather than the "fast" ones, but it's subjective...

For the "fast" ones, my favourite is Fireslinger over Cunning Sparkmage and Vulshok Sorcerer (what if you miss your third land drop?). In a RedBlue deck, I would prefer Razorfin Hunter, but I play Modern the most. Surely the Hunter needs a reprint!

For the "more damages" ones, my favourite is Gelectrode because I like to play with a lot of instant-sorcery cards, and because it can easily do the work of 2 or 3 pingers alone. ... (see all)
Posted By: leomistico (12/14/2011 1:43:35 AM)


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