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I Just Unsummon The Forest And Its Over. Though I Like The Card And Art
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (7/13/2009 11:38:48 PM)


A green weenie deck might be vaguely interested in using this card to get 5 power out for only three mana, but the drawback is pretty crippling - Wrath automatically 2 for 1s you, and terror can wipe out a forest, which is bad.
Posted By: Titanium_Dragon (8/27/2009 4:14:29 PM)


Okay, first things first. Awakener Druid's text says 'as long as Awakener Druid is on the battlefield.'
You can't unsummon the treefolk creature, and you can't destroy the land. If you destroy the treefolk creature, it just goes back to being a land, instead of a land AND a 4/5 creature.

This card is great, only uncommon because of the druid's vulnerability and obvious priority as a target, especially early game.
Posted By: ValenceTheElectron (9/3/2009 6:02:46 PM)


errrrr if you bounce the druid the forest reverts back to a forest

if you doom blade the forest or whatever destroys creatures ( death mark ftw)
its gone it wont revert to being a forest since itll go to the graveyard it IS a creature AND a land at the same time..you can stone rain/rain of tears it you can fireball it u can even sac it >.<

if they bounce the forest/treefolk and the druid stays in play if you play the land again itll just be a regular forest (not sure bout this can anyone confirm this)
Posted By: wCs_MatiC (9/18/2009 5:49:12 PM)


Ok, here is a question, say you have 4 lands, you cast an awakener druid and target a land you have controlled since turn one, will it be able to attack since you have controlled the permanent since the beginning of your turn? If not, the same would apply to animate lands like mishra's factory correct? The only way to attack with an animated land is to animate it at the beginning of your turn?
Posted By: piklz (10/2/2009 7:59:48 PM)


Nice that if you have 4 or more lands, you can swing with a 4/5 straight away (by targeting a land that didn't come into play that turn, so it doesn't have summoning sickness).

Not so nice that: if you do attack (or want to block) with it you lose a mana for the turn, that your opponent's creature kill doubles as land destruction, and that bounce thing.
Posted By: beyond_malachi (12/23/2009 9:10:26 PM)


could be used as an exotic form of land removal
Posted By: splitego (2/21/2010 10:43:36 PM)


I love the flavor and art of this card. The ability is pretty cool too, and can be a big late-game help. But like others already stated, this card has a huge risk early too.
Posted By: EvilCleavage (4/5/2010 2:06:55 PM)


So it's this card or Leatherback Baloth, which costs the same. Leatherback Baloth is a 4/5 creature (like the 4/5 tree your Awakener Druid will be able to make), but your 4/5 tree is gone the second your vulnerable, 1/1 Awakener is hit by a lighting bolt or the like. Unless you're playing a multi-color deck, definitely stick with the Leatherback Baloth.
Posted By: robinhood15 (4/11/2010 10:58:06 PM)


Arbor Elf for pseudo-Vigilance.
Posted By: Eved (5/30/2010 11:20:34 PM)


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