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the ability of Lifelink is practically useless without a creature capable of using a Pyroclasm ability. the health gain isnt worth it on small creatures, while larger creatures are better dedicated to deterrence. Creatures such as Oros, the Avenger are the best targets for this because they not only deal a significant amount of damage to a player, but they also splatter the field with damage, creating a mas sive vortex of health on the field
Posted By: darkfury (9/4/2009 7:54:08 PM)


Strictly worse than Spirit Link, especially after the M10 rules changes. Same CMC, but doesn't stack, and you can't play it on an opponent's creature to make it useless to attack with. Why even print this card?
Posted By: GhelmaroftheSimic (9/12/2010 8:50:09 AM)


@ majin This card isnt a bad card. Armored Ascension is a bad card, because its to oped. This card is a basic CORE card. Lets say you put this on a white knight, and you get to attack 3 times. 6 Life for 1 compared to angels mercy 4 for 7. Its realy basic, and has the strong feel of a white card. Great artwork and a decent flavor text.

@ Env No its not, read the (..................)
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (4/22/2010 12:28:57 PM)


I like seeing this on the avatar token generated by Ajani Goldmane.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (12/26/2010 11:40:57 AM)


Most redundant card text ever possibly
Posted By: Dragek (7/10/2009 3:34:21 PM)


What does lifelink do? It gives a creature Lifelink. Ok, but what does lifelink do? It gives a creature lifelink. Ok, but what does lifelink do? Repeat ad lolzy nauseam. :p

Still is sweaty goat tongue though. :(
Posted By: Joseph_Greenway (7/30/2009 5:24:55 PM)


Question: If I put Lifelink on a Baneslayer Angel, will it get double lifelink? In other words, if I attack with it, will I gain 5 life, or 10? Any help would be great.
Posted By: gorfph (8/24/2009 10:51:28 AM)


Could use a shortening in the text... I mean... Just saying, "Enchanted creature has Lifelink" is enough. If a noob doesn't know what Lifelink is, he could just ask the person across from him, or consult a rule book.

On to my opinion on the card itself though...

Lifelink is a great ability, and having a card that gives a creature that ability for just one mana is amazing. This was worthy of it's M10 appearance entirely, and it's a good card for any Plains-deck. I mean... Playing this along side of an Ant Queen or something could help you rack up some life against a weeny-deck.
Posted By: GearWarriorK (8/8/2009 7:44:26 PM)


the new rules for lifelink are absolutely broken, damage only has to be dealt to a creature not a player, so for White your darksteel colossus gives you 11 life every attack.
Posted By: mkniffen (8/15/2009 12:42:39 AM)


How can lifelink be a white spell? Getting sustenance from the blood of those you kill (which must be what life link does as I see it) is so clearly a black thing, which is also why vampires are black. How can this spell be white flavour wise? I'd like to know, someone plz give a theory.
Posted By: Sironos (5/19/2010 10:28:13 AM)


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