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This would be good with Soul Link. This card isn't as much for a black deck than a black/white lifedrain deck.
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (7/30/2009 11:41:26 AM)


I keep misreading the name as "Sanguine Blood," but then I realize that is redundant!
Posted By: B1indFremen (8/2/2009 3:42:14 PM)


Combo with Dawnglow Infusion and Boon Reflection.
Turn 6 win.
Posted By: Pantheon (9/11/2009 6:31:28 AM)


if you're using this card, you really need to USE this card.

four-player game, I'm using my monoblack Vamp deck, and I'd been pretty quiet all game. little spot removal on creatures coming after me, but nothing big. I almost have to sneak up on people with this deck.

turn 5 is where it got hilarious. drop Gauntlet of Power, chose black. next turn, Wound Reflection and Sanguine hit the board. next turn, Diabolic Tutor for the second Sanguine and dropped it.

turn 7? that's when Blood Tribute gets used. Blood Tribute hits first opponent - he's at just over 30 life. He loses 16, I gain it. I then redirect 16 damage to each other opponent - once for each Sanguine. all opponents then take another 16 damage from Wound Reflection. 'gg nubz lol'

Posted By: ziggefranz (5/18/2012 8:36:43 AM)


Yea its good and all it just costs a lot. I can see essence warden and blood seeker going well with this theme.

Theres a running joke at the game store i got to. It goes; "..yea but its not as good as Sanguine Bonds"
Its funny because the worst player in the store is constantly comparing how good sanguine bond is to every card. lulz. Its an alright rare but nothing to write home about. Every time someone is amazed at how awesome a new found card is i always hear someone chime in from the back, "Yea but its not as good as sanguine bonds."

"Time Walk? Yea but its not as good as sanguine bonds."
"Wrath of God? Yea but its not as good as sanguine bonds."
"Black Lotus? Yea but its not as good as sanguine bonds." ~ Retard
Posted By: Since1986 (11/20/2011 8:55:23 AM)


They got the colors wrong on this one - one healing vampire doesn't justify this forced strange color combo - but still - there is always potential in disadvantage.
Posted By: Lestat13 (7/11/2009 2:16:37 AM)


Would be epic if Dark Ritual was still around. As is, the high cost prevents this from being rare-worthy. I'd say it should be at uncommon, if not common.
Posted By: BDragon123 (10/25/2009 8:58:05 PM)


Love it but....sanguine blood? Redundant name is redundant.
Posted By: steelpommel (9/14/2010 6:15:49 PM)


So WAIT just a fricking second. o.O

Stoneforge Mystic
Solitary Confinement
Demonic Tutor
Idyllic Tutor

...were ALREADY must-haves for my Kaalia of the Vast EDH Deck

NOW you tell me
Form of the Dragon
Nefarious Lich
Stigma Lasher
Sanguine Bond
Everlasting Torment
Rain of Gore
and Vizkopa Guildmage

are ALL ALSO in Kaalia's Colors as well?! o.o

Posted By: DarthParallax (1/29/2013 9:57:29 PM)


Why does everyone have such long complicated strategies with this one? There are three really really easy ways to make this enchantment work for you.

Strategy 1:

Celestial mantle + sanguine bond. Any time your enchanted creature deals damage to opponent in combat you double your life points, even if this only happens once and your life points are say.. 15.. you deal 15 damage instantly, and if your using a 5 damage creature with lifelink, you just won the game instantly in one attack.

Strategy 2 as mentioned by another poster:

Blood tribute + sanguine bond. Drains half opponents life, healing your life total, then sanguine bond does the rest of that damage from the life gain, also instant win.

Strategy 3:

lots of mana + scourge of the nobilis and a red/white creature + soul's fire + sanguine bond. Have soul's fire used by your lifelink creature, use whatever mana you have to boost its power before you use it, and do an instant 10 - 15 damage, which is doubled by s... (see all)
Posted By: Donovan_Fabian (10/10/2009 4:25:16 AM)


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