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I run 3 of these with 2 of Boon Reflection in my {(W/B)} deck and the loss of life adds up insanely.
Posted By: AXER (7/23/2010 10:58:03 PM)


Illusions of Grandeur, anyone?
Posted By: BlackDoveProphet (7/29/2010 6:00:19 PM)


This is a great way to turn a garbage Healing Salve in to an even better Lightning Bolt.

4x Sangine Bond, 4x Healing Salve, 4x Elixir of Immortality, 4x Lone Missionary, 4x Rest For The Weary and a handful of whatever creatures you want to fill out the deck with and you're sitting pretty.

Probably not a bad idea to have some Dark Rituals in there as well to get this thing out faster.
Posted By: Reverie42 (8/31/2010 10:52:42 AM)


Corrupt + this + 6 swamps = 6 life for you, -12 for them.

Especially if you have a Demon's Horn. Or are running a W/B deck with Ajani's Mantra (and preferably Pridemate). Or both.
Posted By: count_dorku (10/1/2010 3:31:35 AM)


Somehow manages to make Vampire Nighthawk even better.
Posted By: FatLenny (10/25/2010 2:22:34 PM)


If only there was a card to protect this from enchantment removal spells. (but counterspells are even worse. Oh, and what I totally hate is that cards like Mirror Sheen apparently can copy this card's effect...)
Posted By: lazymuse (10/30/2010 2:06:31 PM)


I need two more for my Black-White defender deck, which has four Perimeter Captains, four Souls of the Faultless and four Tainted Sigil, the Fog-effect if I take damage, along with a Felidar Sovriegn for a back-up win condition.
Posted By: NecroticNobody (11/20/2010 10:25:17 AM)


Great combo with hatred on your creature, pay almost all your life then swords to plowshares on your creature. now your opponent loses what you spent on hatred plus your creature's original power!
Posted By: rctoons (11/30/2010 8:16:07 AM)


@SoulProxy: 2 things, in your magister sphinx combo i think you mean power not toughness and your SotF combo doesn't work. The Souls only work with combat damage, and simulacrum is not combat damage. It would work, however with stuffy doll, just the bond would make them lose life= to the damage dealt to you and then stuffy doll would hit them for the same amount.
Posted By: ChampionofSquee (12/18/2010 8:46:25 AM)


Drop True Conviction the turn after. That's a lot of damage.
Posted By: instauraresacra (2/4/2011 8:15:27 PM)


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