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Actually, mckniffen, there is a white version, but its not as direct as mind control. The white version is called Evangelize and lets your opponent choose the creature, while the red version is temporary and called Act of treason. Indeed mind control is like oblivion ring, risky in that its an enchantment, but a good form of direct card advantage along with its permanent stealing counter part Confiscate. Other good stealing cards include Slave of bolas, Dominus of fealty, Sphinx ambassador, Roil elemental, Cytoplast manipulator, Roo***er matriarch, Telemin performance, Evangelize, Mimeofacture, Rise from the grave, Ink eyes, and Dichtomancy. Combine for creature stealing craziness.

@phoenix, if they enchant it with mind control a second time they get it back, if the enchant is removed the creature is returned as the text is only applicable while the enchant is still in play. Cytoplast manipulator and Roil elemental work the same way, they would get the creature back, at least ... (see all)
Posted By: Donovan_Fabian (3/10/2010 1:50:27 AM)


Art makes me think, "Facepalm".
Posted By: RunedServitor (1/19/2012 3:36:44 PM)


This card has made me so mad for one reason: I wanted to put a pair in my standard u/r control deck. I threw it together, it works great, except my local card shop only had one of these, so my deck is technically not standard because I am running a persuasion instead of a second mind control. So dumb.
Posted By: GooberSnotpants (2/11/2010 9:50:10 AM)


I can not wait to cast this on an Eldrazi right after someone sacrifices all of their stupid tokens to get it into play. Oh man... it will be great.

Not as cheap as Control Magic, but absolutely the best version of it in standard formats. Do not underestimate how fantastic this card is.

Posted By: Gaussgoat (5/14/2010 10:49:17 AM)


I used to dislike this card. I've never played with its ancestor, Persuasion, either. However recently I've decided to give it a try, while not having much faith in its usefulness.
What can I say.
I've fallen in love!
No, really. I see now that I have severely underrated this card. Even at the seemingly steep price of five mana, it's still a great card, and one of the few playable Auras out there. He loses a dude, you gain a dude. And it's most likely a good beatstick. Now you are the one dealing damage. So simple. If he kills it - who cares. After all, he just wasted a removal spell to deal with his own creature. That's pure card advantage, hidden in the most disadvantageous form imaginable - Enchant Creature. And that's precisely what's been holding me back from playing this card - my fear of the "Enchant Creature" type. While most of the time those cards are indeed bad, it's not always true. Especially when it comes to controlling the minds of opp... (see all)
Posted By: True_Mumin (10/29/2009 7:25:13 PM)


i dont see whats wrong with the art, its a nasty lookin creature guy that's been "mind controlled". would you all like it better if it was a cute little rabbit on the card? i mean cmon, its magic, not pokemon.
Posted By: NecroArTeest (11/19/2009 10:22:47 PM)


The card is good, but why is Brian Peppers on it?
Posted By: Saxophonist (8/15/2009 12:00:22 AM)


So what's the ruling for when someone disenchants mind control?
It doesn't say 'You control enchanted creature as long as Mind Control is in play.'
Does it return to the owner's control or does nothing happen?

Another thing, what happens if the original owner tries to take it back while Mind Control is still attached.
For instance: What if the owner uses Cytoplast Manipulator or Roil Elemental to take it back? Or what happens if the owner simply uses another Mind Control?

Posted By: PhoenixPyrrhus (11/20/2009 8:38:41 PM)


Another "new" card that is a renaming of another generic card, Persuasion.
Posted By: Oleander (7/11/2009 4:23:38 AM)


if this card was white it would cost 1WhiteWhite. Just saying
Posted By: mkniffen (8/21/2009 11:22:59 PM)


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