This is the finisher for vampires. Drain them to put them into single digits and swing in with your huge gul draz vamps and hasty bloodghasts. Or just drain them to death and not need to attack.
Posted By:
(10/17/2009 8:09:57 PM)
I like the "opponent lose life and you gain that much life" ability. =)
Posted By:
(9/26/2009 4:08:00 AM)
Great synergy with Sanguine Bond and maybe a Tainted Sigil combo.
Posted By:
(9/26/2009 7:40:05 PM)
Best Vampire in Zendikar.
Posted By:
(10/1/2009 3:04:13 PM)
Vampire decks just got a whole lot sillier. In Zendikar limited, by the time this bad girl comes out, you'll have at least four other vampires out. I can imagine it going a little something like this:
Turn 1: Swamp, Guul Draz Vampire or Vampire Lacerator
Turn 2: Swamp, Bloodghast or Vampire Hexmage or two more Guul Draz Vamps.
Turn 3: Swamp, Vampire Nighthawk
Turn 4: Swamp, perhaps another Bloodghast or two, or maybe two Hexmages
Turn 5: Swamp, Malakir Bloodwitch. Yeah, you lose seven, I gain seven.
Plus, with her protection from white, she'll be able to survive that pesky Undead Slayer, that annoying Path to Exile, or, as Mode pointed out, that uberly-powerful Baneslayer Angel. She's certainly a must for any mono-black Vampire deck. The only reason she is priced as low as she is is because she's in an intro pack already, which is a REALLY good deal. Buy a playset of these! You shan't be disappointed!
Posted By:
(9/30/2009 6:12:43 AM)
Lol i still think that Baneslayer is better than malakir BloodWitch
Baneslayer is 5 cost for 5/5 w/ protection from dragon and demons so it can stand up to some tougher flyers
Malakir is good but it cant stand up to some dragons and flyers
btw the ability is good =)
Posted By:
(10/11/2009 10:57:39 AM)
@ lestat-
Turns out it can be double bolted.
Posted By:
(4/25/2011 5:44:50 AM)
Best black card in Zendikar.
Posted By:
(10/3/2009 10:23:45 AM)
Does it include herself when counting the "number of vampires you control"?
Posted By:
(5/7/2010 11:31:48 AM)
behold! the only good vampire over 4 mana! yes, she's THAT good.
Posted By:
(2/14/2012 6:20:38 PM)