Can't Doom Blade it, can't Path to Exile it, and as long as you aren't going to counter her then Unsummoning her is just doing me a favor
Posted By:
(5/29/2010 9:38:44 AM)
...why did they hand out Foil bloodwitches in a theme deck?
Posted By:
(6/8/2010 1:47:09 PM)
love this card. so awesome. 5/5
Posted By:
(6/10/2010 3:26:26 PM)
Looks like Ihsan's Shade +++ to me.
cheaper, tribal, cipt drain, flying. -1/-1. Dies to the new and great Flame Slash, but like Shade shrugs of single Lightning Bolts and white and most black removal.
Posted By:
(7/1/2010 7:37:33 PM)
hmm, the big question is does her ability count herself because it states as she enters the battlefield not when shes cast... help please....?
Posted By:
(9/10/2010 4:18:55 PM)
Or Go for the Throated. Of course, as if that matters. Malakir Bloodwitch is very powerful. It swings games.
Posted By:
(5/22/2011 1:29:12 PM)
If only this had five power, then we would have an answer to Baneslayer Angel
Posted By:
(12/3/2011 4:38:38 PM)
Of course it's fantastic in a vamp deck - but even outside of vampires, it can have its uses. It's still a 4/4 flier which isn't terrible on its own. And it has protection from white - which is quite relevant, given that white has some strong targetted removal, especially in casual circles (I can't remember the last Wx deck I saw in my area that didn't have at least a playset of O-Ring, if not better).
However, the real boon of the card is the drain - though that much should be obvious. Combined with either blue or artifacts, the card provides great synergy with itself.
Blue has a plethora of clone style effects - Clone itself, Phantasmal Image, Phyrexian Metamorph and a bunch of others. The major one is, of course, Rite of Replication - at 9 mana it is expensive, but forms a 2-card super-punch with Malakir Bloodwitch, causing a 30 drain if not interfered with. Works even better in multiplayer, where even if some player does have over 30 life, you'll end up getting so much life that ... (see all)
Posted By:
(4/20/2013 12:14:26 AM)
This is a 4/4 flying in Black for only five mana?!
Wow! That already should be nifty and eye-catching if you pay attention.
Not all colors are created equal in all things. THOUGH we ask much out of our creatures these days, and...we've come a little bit further since M10 and Zendikar were new and fancy...but still--
Blue and Black historically don't get good mana deals on P/T. the difference is that Black, and especially Vampires within Black, often have top-end cards that finish well (Grave Titan being the 'greenest'/Hulkiest of the lot.), whereas Blue has never really had its creatures be the focus of win conditions, except for their abilities.
I don't know why Merfolk are the exception other than "after we let Zombies be good, every color had a nice fast tribe and it would have been sad if no Timmy ever learned to play decks, ever."
But even though Merfolk and Zombies blur the lines a lot, REALLY, Blue and Black just don't get P/T as nice as Zoo. This ... (see all)
Posted By:
(7/14/2013 9:02:07 PM)
Downrated for dumb comment and dumber name.
Posted By:
(8/1/2013 9:32:18 AM)