Broken and overpowered. This card is definitely a scam, and if these designers keep it up with the tournament-staple mythics, there are gonna be lots of guys quitting tournaments altogether on account of not being able to afford (and contend with) the 500+ dollar decks.
What I don't get is that many of you guys complain about this card's excessive power, and you still give it a rating of 5 stars. The way I see it, the stars are not meant to reflect on the power level of the card; they're meant to reflect whether you like the card or not, and whether or not it's good for the game.
Everyone at Wizards KNOWS this card is blatantly overpowered, but they're gonna look at this card's feedback and say "Well, most complain about the power level, but they're still loving it, see? FIVE STARS... I guess they actually like overpowered stuff, even if they say they don't. Now we'll have to make all kinds of unbalanced cards on every other color, so they can contend with this freaking ... (see all)
Posted By:
(7/2/2010 11:04:19 AM)
So this is why Serra Angel is now an uncommon...
Lost 1 game in the release tournament because of this card. Rediculous, just plain rediculous.
Posted By:
(7/18/2009 9:07:03 PM)
Again, another Akroma
Posted By:
(7/11/2009 12:53:41 AM)
5 for a 5/5 flying is already really good... and then they give it first strike and lifelink... and then they give it 2 stupid protection abilities that are going to win 1 out of a 1000 matches for someone...
Posted By:
(7/14/2009 10:06:44 AM)
This card is damn powerful! It just mirrors how overpowered white is in M10. 5/5 in every way. Thank god it doesn't have VIGILANCE.... Oh and it's not even legendary.... WTF
Posted By:
(8/14/2009 2:24:22 AM)
so overpowered it makes sane people cringe, yes any white players love it, but this is just power creep going too far, this is near invincible and will haunt magic for years, there will be one nailed to the wall in every designer's room with a sign, NEVER AGAIN, just as a warning to them to never let something like this happen again, it was completely uncalled for
Bogarden Hellkite is the closest thing in terms of power in the same set to this card and even then, that is fairer, a 5/5 flying flasher that blasts multiple things when it comes in priced reasonably for its abilities
Posted By:
(1/10/2010 9:53:11 PM)
This card is so freaking broken. I was just using it today and my life total was 59 by the time I finally killed him. The only other creature I played that entire game was an Ornithopter!!!
Posted By:
(7/30/2009 9:30:55 PM)
Baneslayer is over rated... It's not like its invinsible or anything. just packed with tons of abilities and too low of a mana cost. Not saying it's a bad card though because it isnt.
Posted By:
(2/10/2010 10:50:20 PM)
I think Admonition Angel is better
just one land enters and you kill baneslayer angel with her.
it is a good card but not soooo good
it isnt overpovered.
Posted By:
(4/16/2010 1:15:44 PM)
malfegor just got powned
Posted By:
(5/9/2010 12:57:33 PM)