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Community Rating: 4.103 / 5  (571 votes)
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Step down serra angel for the new rookie. The most powerful feared white creature ever. Should have been a legend. A focal point that shifts superiority to white. Five stars.
Posted By: woodsgirl (8/15/2009 9:24:24 PM)


wizards, if you want an outstanding angel that is not completely broken like this then i suggest:

Flying, Haste, Viligance

that would be a GREAT card even an EXCELENT card and not riducolous like this, you could make that a rare, what makes this so broken is mostly the lifelink and first strike.
Posted By: Tobolococo (2/9/2010 12:08:11 PM)


This card is uber-powerful! ........but alas! Malakir Bloodwitch is comin' for ya' girl! LOOK OUT!!!
Posted By: madformedusa (10/2/2009 7:33:16 AM)


even if it is a creature (and therefore easily removed) good lord. i liked the idea that to get first strike AND lifelink on a creature it required enchantments and the 2 4 1 risk. give this thing a combat trick or deathtouch with basilisk collar....gross.

it's not that it's so powerful, it's that it's a 5 drop. If the Serra Angel is a 5 drop, then this should at least be wwwww, preferrably 4www or 5www, but there isn't evena drawback. It's like Wizards said 'hmm...you know what would be funny? If a card could just win even if you couldn't possibly win before it was played...like if you were down by 30 life or had zero board control".

I think it changed the metagame and it certainly changed the monetary factor of building a good competitive deck....oh, wait.....yeah, that was the point...it's about the money.
Posted By: boggsanator (6/3/2010 11:22:11 PM)


I just pulled one of these from a pack last night and was very happy. This is definitely an excellent card. I rate it a 4.5, but I also don't see why this card is demanding such a high price. It's not a game breaker and it's not exactly hard to get rid of. It's just an excellent creature and nothing more. I also don't think it's necessarily better than a Serra Angel. It's very situational and vigilance is such a great ability to have, especially in multi-player games. In any case, I won't complain at all about such a great card.
Posted By: kowrip (1/15/2010 9:43:06 AM)


Cards like this are killing Magic. 0/5
Posted By: spike_barnett (7/2/2010 11:24:34 AM)


This card is appalling I mean it takes 4 turns to win a game for 5 mana, there are plenty of cards that win the game quicker than that for 5 mana I mean Door to Nothingness wins the game the turn after and only costs 5mana.
Posted By: Cute-Hydra (5/28/2010 2:40:55 PM)


Welcome back for another year of Standard, BSA. You rock!
Posted By: NinjaJeff (6/4/2010 12:18:47 PM)


legendary, 5/4, 4WW or 2WWW and this card might have been balanced

"We are happy to have it be one of the faces that represents Magic to the world" - Wizards

FFS, seriously? OP cards drive dem' kids wild

can you say '$160 deck minimum' for another year?
Posted By: OutlawD1 (6/11/2010 1:30:27 PM)


So this is what this great game has come to? This card's design is as subtle and clever as a mad ogre banging its head against a rock.
Posted By: Bulhakas (6/15/2010 7:25:38 PM)


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