A part of my love for Magic died when I saw this is going to be reprinted in M11. Should have been renamed "Baneslayer Seraph" so we could all call her "BS".
Posted By:
(6/28/2010 1:16:20 PM)
I mean seriously, who would you rather have? Serra Angel, or this pretty little Minx? 5/5
Posted By:
(8/5/2010 11:06:52 PM)
this card is amazing seeing that it can win games by its self if the opponent doesnt get rid of it quickly
Posted By:
(12/15/2009 2:17:26 PM)
Let's do some consideration...
A bad 5 mana angel -> Starlit Angel.
A good 5 mana angel -> Melesse Spirit, Angel of Light.
A very good 5 mana angel -> Serra Angel, Shepherd of the Lost, Angel of Flight Alabaster.
A too good 5 mana angel -> Baneslayer Angel, Angelic Overseer.
Posted By:
(1/11/2012 5:31:00 AM)
I think you're all being a bit over dramatic.. there are good cards that come with a variety of the skills available on this card, and the demons and dragons thing sure.. but thats only a big deal if your playing a heavy demon or dragon deck. All the green and blue and white players out there are just like.. ok sure whatever. Without the protection shes a 5 mana angel with 5/5, flying, first strike, and life link. Considering we've seen more than a few cards with practically those exact same stats, although higher cost, I don't see this as game breaking. Paragon of amesha became an angel card like this for 5 mana a turn with higher power and toughness. I'm guessing they didn't want white to be getting totally annihalated by all the new dragons (and there have been a lot of them lately), and the new demons, which are especially powerful. I play green/blue myself, and I look at this card, and shrug.
Posted By:
(9/26/2009 2:41:01 AM)
When people groan about this card i say then don't try and pretend to be a "professional" player. If you aren't willing to spend money to get a professional deck, don't act like your that good. Baneslayer is not broken, its just very powerful. It doesn't have shroud/indestructibility. Its fine. Just path it.
Posted By:
(2/12/2010 11:59:19 PM)
Pulled this lady out of a pre-release and I was pleased, but taken back. Wait... all these abilities for five mana. Wow! This thing can win you games, but can be beat just as easily. This is the best from M10 and will be used for a long time. Also, what's with 4.41 rating? This thing is incredible, and overrated, but still it deserves at least 4.85.
Posted By:
(10/16/2009 11:46:53 PM)
People need to stop freaking out about this card........... there is enough removal in jund and naya, boros normally has answers and vampire easily beats it... it is overpowered but having four in your deck does not mean you win at all
Posted By:
(1/24/2010 12:35:43 PM)
Come on people, it's called power creep. This game has been running for what... 18 years? Ha, I bet the game is older than a lot of you complaining about it. You are seriously asking for them to keep printing the same cards? Really? They might as well have quit years ago if that's the case. ALL creatures are more powerful than they used to be. This has been happening slowly for over a decade and I still find a ton of reasons to play really old cards. There is a balance here, don't know how you find that so hard to see. Wizards is just trying to keep the game exiting and judging by all the controversy I would say they are doing a great job.
Baneslayer totally sucks anyway, it just dies to removal spells. 0/5
Posted By:
(3/9/2012 7:21:03 AM)
Five reasons this isn't going to break standard
3.Hideous end
4.Path to Exile
and jund aggro is way more broken than a few white cards like this. If anything, go post this stuff on Blightning and Sprouting Thrinax
Posted By:
(1/23/2010 8:41:41 AM)