Extremely broken. And it is legal everywhere?!
If Wizards wanted to make a broken card they could always make it 4WW. Even then it's broken.
It should be 5WW or 3WWW. Fortunately it dies to Doom Blade. : )
Posted By:
(6/8/2010 7:02:32 PM)
This you could have cut three of its four abilities and it still would be a solid card.
This... thing... should never have been printed. They better not reprint it in M2011.
EDIT: They did.
@Cute-Hydra Was that a joke? Mana acceleration might get you there faster, but door to nothingness costs as much as a progenitus to activate. Hardly a turn 6 win.
Posted By:
(6/9/2010 12:25:45 PM)
which idiots didn't give this a 5
Posted By:
(7/1/2010 3:17:43 AM)
Not as great as everyone seems to be making it out to be. But still pretty damn good.
Posted By:
(9/12/2009 6:36:03 AM)
As everyone SHOULD be aware, it IS NOT that hard to get rid off...Pacifism, O-ring, Journey to Nowhere, Counterspells, and the list goes on and on and on. Broken??? Perhaps...Invincible??? Now you're just being silly. Even a Reprisal can kill it. But power wise, i give it a 3/5...
It's protection, not so great. Dragons and Demons, good ol' D&D (not THAT D&D). People don't use them as frequently as you think. Sure, you have your Ob Nixilis, or some other Demons out, or even your Hellkite Overlord or something, doesn't matter. Doomblade/ Terminate it, bye bye nuisance, hello easy prey.
Posted By:
(10/18/2009 4:08:00 PM)
great card
Posted By:
(11/10/2011 4:52:24 AM)
i remember the time when u were playing a no abilities 5/5 for 7 mana was a nice deal, wizards its just making broken cards so if u wanna continue playing u HAVE TO buy new expansions, after invasion block, the game went straight down with a lil comeback in timespiral, this kind of card is a big fu you to the players who play extended, due standart mean change your deck all the time, and vintage means playing against decks that can win the game in turn 1 or even 0 wich i dont see interesting in a game. And now they put name to every freaking ability and make 1000 cards with it due their lack of creativity.... just go to the beloved dominaria card and art style and start doing things right again
Posted By:
(7/10/2010 5:35:25 PM)
INCREDIBLY unbalanced. This is why Black gets Doom Blade, followed by Rise from the Dead.
Posted By:
(7/20/2009 9:44:40 PM)
Stop Complaining NERDS I Want Mythics To Be Godly 5/5 Keep em C U Mmin Wizards
Posted By:
(1/1/2011 3:01:03 PM)
You people complain too much you cant argue w a card that has so much going for it. I run 2 baneslayers in a elf and angel deck and when ever they come out to play i always get a satisfying groan from my opponents. I freakin love this card!!
Posted By:
(1/25/2010 9:24:05 AM)