Well she is overpowered, her SCR (Storm Crow Ratio) is 14/5ths which is amazing! I'm not a fan of very powerful cards that just win games, I like a little thought when using your creatures, however it is printed it is overpowered, it dies to removal like many cards. thornraven made an excellent comment and I would like to see it slightly different such as a 4/4 first strike that becomes the above card when you are losing life wise. But magic friends remember why the rules changed? It was for new players and if a new guy somewhere gets one in his first booster and wins a game by the skin of his teeth on his first game because of this card, this honestly overpowered card, let him be happy. I remember my first magic learning moment when playing against thornraven the first time, I was losing bad, and I asked him if I could play Barter in Blood when I had no creatures and made him sacrifice his two guy field. That was a special memory for me. I wa... (see all)
Posted By:
(4/14/2010 11:58:01 PM)
What doe's everyone have a huge boner over this card for? Yeah its sweet but I can think of endless ways to kill it as soon as it comes out. Hit's you a couple times, gain a little life? So what. Sphinx of Steelwind is way better then this.
Posted By:
(4/17/2010 4:13:34 PM)
This is a card that will almost always be used in constructed and limited. Yes, I will warp my deck color just to fit this guy in there, in limited. In standard, She is a strong pull to play white, but I'd rather play Jund.
Almost 5/5, but can't beat Jund. 4.5/5
So close, too bad.
Not overpowered enough.
Posted By:
(5/2/2010 6:50:55 PM)
This card is the reason I keep a Nemesis Trap in my black deck.
Posted By:
(5/8/2010 8:44:16 AM)
I had someone a few days ago use a Tooth and Nail to pop out her and a Progenitus on me, adding insult to injury was having an Anger in the graveyard and controlling a handful of Mountains.
We were both playing our Red/Green decks, and for 2 mana, I made his heart stop. G, tap, Elvish Piper a False Prophet into play. R, tap, Lightning Bolt the prophet. Problem solved, killed him the following turn using a good old fashioned (and cheap) Blistering Firecat.
End result? Priceless.
Posted By:
(5/9/2010 9:18:42 PM)
Very strong card, almost as broken as the Gyof
Oh, now they reprint it in M11? Awesome, Wotc makes more money!
Posted By:
(6/4/2010 9:47:47 PM)
I believe this card is included in M11 as well. Maybe it will drop in price? I still can't believe the punch it packs for only 5. Yikes. Love it though! So long as its in my deck and not someone elses!
Posted By:
(6/13/2010 7:03:15 AM)
One of the best angels printed, along with my sisters Serra Avenger and Exalted Angel! :)
Posted By:
(11/15/2010 5:01:50 PM)
What ever happened to wizard's idea of mythic rare creatures not being powerful, but instead being unique and game-changing. This card is ridiculous! I started playing again when this card was released and I was shocked how overpowered some of the new creatures were. What ever happened to flavorful mythic rares?
Posted By:
(9/4/2012 1:07:14 PM)
Seriously....look how many pages of comments there are for this damn card lol. I like it, its hella fun to bash an opponent with one of these and its not like its invincible guys. Sure Serra has been a staple card forever, it is one of my favorites, but things have changed in Magic. This card is meant to be the Angel answer to all beefed up, flying, amazing ability having Demons and Dragons honestly. It does that well. It has cycled out of standard so it really doesn't matter anymore how broken or not broken she is anyway. And for other formats and casual? Just give us good ol' Counterspell back WOTC and we are good!
Posted By:
(12/27/2012 10:57:03 PM)