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Community Rating: 4.103 / 5  (571 votes)
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Probably the most feared white creature out there.
Posted By: Lunarblade (5/2/2010 11:26:29 AM)


i can see how this card would be popular with the standard decks, but over all way over rated. it will more than likely drop in value like the rest of the over priced mythics and rares. i can see this card topping out at $15-$20 range, but $60 is absurd. this card will never be akroma, angel of wrath !!!
Posted By: kilovortex (2/22/2010 10:24:31 AM)


Just stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. The designers are infinitely shortsighted for letting this get to print. This creature is a turning point in the history of Magic: the Gathering, and not for the better.
Posted By: MagnusTW (3/13/2010 11:54:53 AM)


And wizards said white was the weakest... "So we added in Armored Elephant, a 3/5 for 5 mana. It surely makes up for the suck that is Baneslayer Angel." I just hate this card for the fact its balanced by a 5 yr old Yugioh player, and completely makes Serra Angel useless, which was a real cool card, and well balanced.
Posted By: mrnubnub (7/12/2009 3:40:00 PM)


Down to $15 a piece. With U/W control being weak again with Shards leaving, this card is now vaguely affordable. A playset is only $60 -.-
Posted By: blink182zombies (1/1/2011 1:54:10 AM)


Can you people stop all the bytching about this card?

Overpowered, probably. But this pales in comparison to Akroma's abilities and trying to compare this to Serra Angel is not an acceptable comparison. Serra was OP when it was printed in comparison to what was out at the time. Now theirs cards like Phage, Platinum Angel, Stigma Lasher,Tarmogoyf or even Lord of Extinction
Posted By: MTGFreak (1/22/2010 9:59:41 PM)


TOO good. If this is reprinted I will quite playing magic.
Posted By: mlanier131 (5/2/2010 5:26:10 PM)


Hey, Wizards, higher rarity isn't actually an excuse for making cards grossly overpowered!
Posted By: Feralsymphony (2/11/2011 8:29:39 PM)


Angels we have heard on high, gently sweeping o'er five Plains
And the Mountains in reply, soon filled with Dragon bloodstains
Goodbye Serra Aaaa-aaan-gel...
On second thought, I'm being a tad overdramatic. There's no way red could get a Dragon out in time to watch it not block and have its attack damage negated by lifelink. Thank Garfield for kill spells.
Posted By: Wayori (7/25/2009 8:16:54 PM)


A stupid design. Nothing else to say.
Posted By: beyond_malachi (12/23/2009 8:47:15 PM)


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