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If they reprint this in 2011 I'm going to be impossibly mad.
Please, Wizards, take advantage of your new, annual rotation of the core set, and learn from this horrid mistake. Resonance is the worst excuse for making a card overpowered that I have ever heard.
Posted By:
(2/21/2010 6:26:08 PM)
At 3WW she is insanely cheap, but hardly a "GIN" card when she arrives. I always stack my decks with plenty of creature control and my crosshairs would drop on her as soon as she hit the table. Cards like this are mythically rare for a reason. It would take someone a fortune to get four of her in their deck and if they have the Money to do that, then their deck is probably ridiculous in the first place.
I LIKE the fact that Hasbro creates cards like this and makes them hard to find. It adds a mystery and luck to the game. Powerful cards should be extremely rare. The game is more strategy than "who can put the most powerful creatures in their decks." I've built very successful decks out of commons and uncommons with nothing with a mana cost above 3 and kicked some serious ass with them.
Any card can be dealt with: doom blade, deathmark, terror, pacify, divine verdict, seismic strike, fireball, blinding mage, assassinate etc. need I say more?
Posted By:
(4/2/2010 11:39:50 AM)
i like wood elemental better ;
but seriously, very OP, pushes most other balanced angels out of use, although not as OP as some eldrazi...
10 mana 12/12 loads of bonuses, no drawbacks, tons of cards designed to ramp him...
15 mana, you've basically won, again loads of ramping...
7 mana, destroy all but lands and your OP fatties...
yet this is what people focus on and the eldrazi are 'brilliant'
back to this card... although it's OP and shouldn't be reprinted, Jund will easily dodge the pro-dragon, chew her up, mutilate the body, and bring her back to fight for you. not only jund, my hellcarver deck destroyers her and everything else. balance & it that betrays ( just cause it's OP don't mean you don't use it =P )
Or just tie her up w/ guard gomazoa
Posted By:
(5/30/2010 1:44:40 PM)
This just in- mlanier131 has just quit Magic!
Posted By:
(6/16/2010 6:24:20 PM)
You know what, I really gotta say, I had a different outlook on this card months ago. I thought that it was perfectly cool to have a card that costs 40-50 dollars mere months after it's release. On one hand, I have to admit, it makes me feel reeeeeal good knowing that Elspeth I pulled about two months ago in a booster is worth forty bucks. But on the other hand, I don't even play with it, I can't make a deck with 2 or four of them in it, and I doubt I'll be pulling any more anytime soon haha. But when you look at a card you don't have, it really sucks to know your chances to get one are very slim, and the more time passes the harder it's gonna get. You know, it wouldn't be that bad if you could actually get your hands on some M10! Seriously, the next core set needs to have a lot more printings. I think that would solve the whole problem with the prices. Straight up, It sucks that my local shop doesn't bring in M10 just because they are more expensive and they don't make as much on them... (see all)
Posted By:
(6/19/2010 10:23:19 PM)
This one time, MTG made a creature card that was too good. People responded by poting comments about how it liked to make a classic like serra angel grab its ankles and plead for lube. MTG responded by reprinting it. Then, for no reason, everone died. True story.
Posted By:
(6/28/2010 4:41:10 AM)
It just dawned on me that Wizards is trying to, like, start Magic over. Sort of into a new game, or new round. So they are making cards in context of what's out recently and, so it seems, paying absolutely no attention to cards older than Lorwyn. So just like in the original days of Magic, where THE creature was Serra Angel, in this new magic, one of THE creatures is this here Baneslayer Angel. But then there is the context. What kind of removal did Magic have back then? Whatever it was, it was not nearly as state-of-the art as removal today.
Where is the multiverse ID to Combust already??
My main argument here is that this is not "power creep" for the sake of "power creep". The game has been many places and has developed over a long time. Also, the players of the game have a big impact on the game.
Yeah, I don't like where things are headed just like a lot of you- but here's why:
The majority Magic players shape the Ma... (see all)
Posted By:
(7/6/2010 2:00:53 PM)
OP plain and simple
Posted By:
(10/18/2009 7:52:23 PM)
1st This was made so people wouldn't whine to hard about Wrath of God. (I'm glad its gone)
2nd I think Wizard's cares much more about draft, Serra is still great and much more frequent.
3rd Cheap removal is plentiful, I came back from 5 to 35 life after terminating her.
I value shroud or prot. red/black quite high, so i still prefer to run the Sphinx of the steel wind in control. If she was 5/5 flying, shroud, first strike THAT would be broken. Still you cant not give this card a perfect 5!
Posted By:
(8/8/2009 2:07:19 AM)
for all you complainers out there about how unfair and unbalanced and 'how this card makes me wanna quit magic waah waah'....i play this card and play against this card, and you know what? it's NOT THAT GREAT IF YOU KNOW HOW TO HANDLE ONE. now, what was that instant removal spell that i always find sooo useful against this...doomblade perhaps?
Posted By:
(1/6/2010 4:07:24 PM)