This card upsets me.
Posted By:
(8/29/2010 1:31:07 PM)
The flavor text is very accurate; thier so bloodthirsty and brutal that no opponent has been able to match thier strength.
Posted By:
(7/11/2009 4:50:55 PM)
Totally agree with Great_North! Some cards have to be bad... Plus, you have to understand the limited dinamics... Moreover, I don't undestand why people whine about finding it in the boosters: if you're playing limited, then either look away for something else or play it for a mere 4/4 for {4R}, what's the problem? Sometimes you have to play some cards that aren't stellar but you have to fill the curve of your deck. If you're opening boosters for finding cards, then maybe you're aiming for rare/uncommon, because after you've opened a dozen of boosters you've find a lot of commons so it doesn't matter anymore...
Its ability is there to teach novice player to attack. Ofter novicers don't attack for fear, so forcing them they will discover the joy of attack...
And for people like OutlawD1, whining about the power of rare cards Vs common cards: there are powerful cards at every rarity, like there are cards that sucks at every rarity. Examples?
Common powerful cards:
Coiling Or... (see all)
Posted By:
(11/6/2011 1:03:44 PM)
Worse than Monstrous Carabid.
Posted By:
(10/30/2012 12:30:51 AM)
They made this better with kuldotha ringleader.
Posted By:
(9/1/2013 7:26:27 AM)