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Community Rating: 4.345 / 5  (126 votes)
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It's amazing that this doesn't see constructed play. Of course, I don't know what I'd take out of Jund or Vamps to put it in, but really, for 3 mana you have potentially reusable spot removal that *must* be dealt with - which means that one of your other creatures is going to get let off the hook.

While it's by no means a very competitive deck, I've been using 4 in a mono black aggro deck I've been playing around with. It's a great defensive tool, and also does a fantastic job of getting rid of my Abyssal Persecutors once I've dropped the opponent below 0.
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (4/13/2010 4:18:09 AM)


one of my favorite cards since 4th
Posted By: ninetailedfox (7/22/2009 9:32:52 AM)


four of him is a staple in my black deck
Posted By: thelittleupsman (8/4/2009 11:11:23 PM)


He looks like someone who would be with the Orzhov Syndicate to me.
Posted By: Saxophonist (8/10/2009 8:47:01 PM)


It's Shagrath!
Posted By: MetalCrisis (8/6/2009 1:23:22 PM)


With this and Sleep you can wipe out your opponent's two strongest creatures. Shame its so weak, any damage will kill it. And it can't do anything to creatures with vigilance either.
Posted By: VoidedNote (3/2/2010 10:10:33 PM)


This card can often put the game at a standstill. I got 2 of these in a fat pack, gave them to a friend who plays black (because I won't touch the things), and now regret that decision. I'll have an armada of flying blue creatures not attacking because they are cowering in fear of this card. I Essence Scatter/Unsummon whenever possible...
Posted By: darkerthought7 (8/2/2009 6:56:16 PM)


just got my fourth assassin and also got Garruk Wildspeaker today. trying to make a deck that could combine the two types of cards
Posted By: atticusfear (8/7/2009 4:48:01 PM)


Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin Assassin
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (7/25/2009 5:19:11 PM)


This card is awesome and a good punishmet for any tought attacking cards.
Posted By: PaladinOfSunhome (9/21/2009 7:25:32 AM)


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