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These + Howling Mines + Sign in Blood + Forced Fruition + Seizan
Posted By: AXER (11/27/2011 12:45:12 PM)


Yo dawg i heard you like Inception so I put dreams in your dream so you can dream while you dream...
Posted By: divine_exodus (3/26/2011 4:01:31 PM)


i am working on a type2 underworld deck using everything listed but megrim... but what red permanent are you pairing with the parasite?
Posted By: AgentOfChaos (7/20/2009 12:08:51 AM)


You don't need a Mono Black to use this. My deck which is based on it is 3 colors, and it works just fine, allowing a first or second turn win with the right opening hand. And now that all those sissy house rules are actually rules now (Like Mulligans, which used to be a House Rule, and not legal, are now allowed) you can basically shuffle until your hand doesn't suck if you're willing to drop a card each time.


For the guy who called me a "nob" and said it was quickly made a rule... No, it wasn't, if you consider that when I started playing, there was still no such thing as a banned or Restricted list yet, and most people were running around with real Degenerate Decks with 20 Moxes and 20 Lightning Bolts. It wasn't until like 1997 or so when you were allowed to Mulligan. Or somewhere around there.... I haven't slept in two days so my thinking of that time is a bit off, but either way, it was fun having Balance Decks and stuff. And of course, back then, Ante was required.
... (see all)
Posted By: SlackWareWolf (4/15/2011 7:08:41 PM)


If you make a red-black-blue deck with all those cards in it and add in "Time Warp" than...that'd be quite painful.
Posted By: UltimaCenturion (7/20/2009 9:36:55 PM)


kederekt parasite + underworld dreams + sign in blood + Burning inquiry = pain
Posted By: LoudNoises (7/12/2009 6:38:27 PM)


Just waiting for Dark Ritual in Zendikar :P
Posted By: Dimastator (8/16/2009 7:51:23 PM)


I don't think my comments are saving, because I already commented on this, I think...
Posted By: land_comment (4/6/2011 12:08:57 PM)


Type your comment here.
Posted By: drycanthra (8/3/2010 3:59:46 PM)


@scumbling: Being around a long time means that you know the old rules, which would be what we're talking about.

Reading comprehension sure is hard, isn't it?

Anyways, I love Underworld Dreams. I don't care what anybody says. I had a great time with it in my casual monoblack deck- I even stuck in some Howling Mines.
Posted By: Jannissary (2/7/2012 5:24:57 PM)


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