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Community Rating: 4.582 / 5  (401 votes)
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I do miss the old days. 5/5
Posted By: Man-O-Megrim (7/19/2013 8:38:33 AM)


Since when is clearing someone of blame or proving something right a destruction effect? That destroys ANYTHING?
Posted By: Mata-nui3 (2/11/2011 5:52:23 PM)


I love this card, it almost always will be usefull and it is fairly cheap considering.

Gets rid of:
Creatures,Enchantments,Artifacts,Planewalkers, and even lands!

Average creature and land removal usally costs three cmc anyways, as well as enchantment and artifacts averaging at about 2 cmc, and I can't say I know of much removal for planeswalkers so that makes this card all the better.
Posted By: Silverware (1/15/2010 8:42:31 PM)


This is the one card where it makes sense that it actually can kill planeswalkers.
Posted By: Aquillion (5/17/2013 10:46:39 PM)


The thing about a card like this is it's a no-brainer.
-It's never dead.
-It plugs the holes in whatever you're missing. You have enchant removal? Who cares, this hits all that other stuff! You have creature removal? Never fear, have some more and btw kill anything else that bothers you!
-The color combination is powerful to begin with.

Some may argue every color combo has had it's heyday, but I'd argue:
-W/B hits everything (Hand, every permanent type, graveyard)
-has every kind of Kill spell (wipes, sacrifice, targetted up the yin-yang)
-has recursion
-has all of this on EtB effects (making it quite relevant against Show and Tell)

This card is the epitome of the color combination; it is to W/B as Maelstrom Pulse is to G/B

Without any other color, it can counter every strategy without thinking hard at all; which, IMO, makes it *the* color combination. G/B can do most of that and I think time has proven that combination is about on par. Without relying on co... (see all)
Posted By: blurrymadness (7/17/2013 8:41:40 AM)


This card is so powerful you cannot rate it anything below a five.
Posted By: Tamerlein (7/18/2013 7:22:11 PM)


At the very *worst* it's a Stone Rain in BW, and Wizard's stopped printing that card because it was too powerful for modern day magic. At the best, it's an answer to any enchantment, artifact, creature, or planeswalker you need to get rid of. That should tell you something about the power level of this card.
Posted By: troll_berserker (7/31/2013 3:03:28 PM)


Vindicate is the answer for everything. And with this tragically-heroic quote... i just can't think of better card in whole magic, because this one accomplishes all without being broken.
Posted By: Gavrilo (10/1/2010 12:03:58 AM)


In Latin, it's pronounced "Windicate". No joke.
Posted By: NuckChorris (11/29/2011 2:26:04 PM)


Pew! Pew! :D
Posted By: ParallaxtheRevan (7/9/2012 1:39:04 AM)


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