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Community Rating: 4.131 / 5  (203 votes)
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Chrome Mox
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Lotus Petal

Getting this guy out on the first turn in legacy is a snap.

Losing a card for mana ramp is so worth it, it's ridiculous. The one-drop chump blocker can usually be taken out with a lightning bolt or shock for second turn mayhem.

My favorite two free drops: Krenko, Mob Boss & Goblin Chieftain. Having 6 Goblins in play when you end your second turn will usually make your opponent scoop. Tapping Krenko again before your attack on the third turn will show them why they should have. 10 2/2 Goblins, One 2/2 Goblin with double strike = 24 Damage on turn 3. That's assuming you don't have a Goblin War Strike in your hand to deal 12 damage for one mana before you declared your attack.

Bottom line, this guy is insane and so much more powerful than t... (see all)
Posted By: Neutron_Mox (8/3/2013 8:06:22 PM)


How to get an Eldrazi on turn 1
A zero drop creature
chrome mox exiling any blue card
infernal plunge
warren instigator
crimson wisps
(draw something like emrakul)
Artificial evolution...naming eldrazi
Proceed to win the game in two turns

INCREDIBLY unlikely, but you could always play a deck that everyone thinks is terrible, until you suddenly pull off this combo
Posted By: Aquacode (1/8/2014 10:02:47 PM)


If you play modern i can see how this is your gobo….outside Legacy however this is not more powerful than Goblin Lackey. simply because the lackey is the more efficient of the two…especially with turn two removal in Legacy. the instigator requires to much effort,mana and hand space to go crazy turn two(assuming u go fist)…. all it takes is a lackey turn one then :Tarfire, Gempalm Incinerator,Stingscouger….ect to clear the way for ANY goblin!!! Regardless both great gobo's
Posted By: Aldonius (2/8/2014 4:22:15 PM)


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