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Community Rating: 3.200 / 5  (105 votes)
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This card is not bad. Use it with cards like Zektar Shrine Expedition and Ball Lightning with some ramp like Harrow and Borderland Ranger.

Also, Garruk Wildspeaker works good with this because you can untap your lands for extra mana when you need it, or you can produce free 3/3 tokens that will do 3 damage everytime you spawn one and you only need 3 mana to do it.

Not bad in my eyes, maybe not the best deck in standard but it can be fun.
Posted By: opinionfailure (6/3/2010 2:16:46 PM)


Warstorm Surge has all the upside without any of the downside.
Posted By: chinkeeyong (7/19/2011 8:34:17 AM)


It seems the low score is due to the cost (3) as a sort of kicker. But, used with a goblin deck it would be pretty likely to have 4 or 5 mana, and with low cost of goblins(1 or 2ish), they can come in and ping the opposition out of the way.

or, tack it on to tokens from Rampaging Baloth (free 4/4 for every landfall) , it's a nice cheap 2R for 4 damage...
or angels from Luminarch Ascension...
or Bloodghast...
and so on...
Posted By: PastProphet (10/10/2009 12:34:11 PM)


this card's not useless! think Rampaging Baloths!
Posted By: RaLuna (11/8/2009 12:40:01 PM)


I for one love this card and it has done well in winning me games so far. I run a devour deck so me throwing out a large Thunder-Thrash Elder or another devour card is extremely common, so if I have this out i can do a large sum of damage and even on many occasions simply one shot someone just by summoning a creature
Posted By: Karang (10/19/2009 1:55:01 AM)


Obviously not something i'm ever going to want to build a deck around in constructed, and i'm on the fence about it's value in Limited. On the one hand, a 3-drop creature might get me to the finish line faster. On the other hand, this card gives every creature you draw Kicker 2R: Deal X damage to target creature or player. and that's the sort of card advantage that wins stalemates. I give it a 2.5.
Posted By: MisterMonk (9/28/2009 10:36:55 PM)


Come on people, this one rocks! You summon something with a lot of power and spend 3 extra mana to get an instant burn, possibly with huge damage.
This is what pandemonium should have been like, as pandemonium also gives the opponent the ability, whereas with electro, you pay 3 mana but you're the only one able to do it.
Posted By: Sironos (5/19/2010 10:59:33 AM)


Ugh I always seem to pull this out of Zendikar Boosters.
Posted By: JFM2796 (7/25/2011 7:13:25 PM)


electropotence on turn 3
death's shadow on turn 4
disentomb + death's shadow on turn 5

need the right hands and lands, but with 4 of each (including R/B lands), your odds are pretty good.
Posted By: Uhhsam (3/8/2010 6:32:48 PM)


Posted By: QuietK (6/2/2011 1:09:40 PM)


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