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23456 >
Image if you weren't using a deliberately crap example.
The thing with this card is that while it's not amazing it is better with larger/more efficient creatures. Using it in a deck which would run Raging Goblin is a bad idea. Using it in RG fatties alongside say a Thragtusk is quite nice, 5/3 with 5 damage for 6GR is quite nice, especially when it leaves something behind and gains you 5 life :P
Posted By: MCcreator (10/23/2013 9:41:21 AM)


I use this in a R/G deathtouch/infect deck. It works nicely as most creatures are < 3 CC.
Posted By: timbosaurus-rex (12/28/2013 10:09:35 AM)


Hmmm. It looks better than it is. Maybe with a couple low-cost, high power infect creatures such as Phyrexian Vatmother or, hell, Priest of Urabrask for pretty much free damage. Phyrexian Dreadnought becomes a sorcery {R}{3} deal 12 damage to target creature or player. Not great but has some uses.
Posted By: Drewskithelegend (4/1/2014 7:29:22 PM)


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